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Maureen will be out of the office from Tuesday, May 9th, 11:00 a.m. to
Tuesday, May 16th, 8:45 a.m.

Maureen Pomroy
Business Lines Consultant
Tel:  (709) 772-2735
Fax:  (709) 772-2104

"When a group does the impossible in the first hour of its meeting, it is
very hard to stop them after that.  This is called empowerment."
        - H. Owen, on Open Space
---------- Original Text ----------

From: "Denis Cowan" <>, on 5/13/00 2:25 AM:


I have about a 50/50 chance of making this event in berlin.

If I do make it, what I would like to do is to visit a few organizations
which people perceive as being open space organizations. I would like to
meet and talk with the people working there to find out from them what is
happening, different etc.

Because it is relatively cheap to buy around the world tickets in australia
, these places could be anywhere in the world. (brisbane to berlin
returnAUS $1900 - an around the world ticket stopping at up to 3 cities on
each continent AUS$2500)

So folks - if you thought there was an organization I should visit  - who
and where are they. ???

Thanks in anticipation



  At 10:16 11/05/00 +0200, Michael M Pannwitz wrote:
>Dear Audrey and all you others out there planning to come to Berlin,
>go to
>There you find all details, an online way to register that also
>calculates how much money you need to send.
>As of today some 65 people have registered from all over the world
>See you all in Berlin

denis cowan , brisbane , australia.  fax ** 61 7 32681869 tel ** 61 7 38363056

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