Form: Reply
Text: (57 lines follow)
Maureen will be out of the office from Tuesday, May 9th, 11:00 a.m. to
Tuesday, May 16th, 8:45 a.m.

Maureen Pomroy
Business Lines Consultant
Tel:  (709) 772-2735
Fax:  (709) 772-2104

"When a group does the impossible in the first hour of its meeting, it is
very hard to stop them after that.  This is called empowerment."
        - H. Owen, on Open Space
---------- Original Text ----------

From: "Adria A. Trowhill" <>, on 5/13/00 9:50 AM:

Please fax me the AQP article also.
Thank you.

Adria A. Trowhill
Posi-TRAK Coaching and Consulting Inc.
#100-177 Harlandale Avenue
Toronto ON  M2N 1P5


-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST []On Behalf Of Betty
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2000 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: Open Space references - help!!

>I do have the AQP (Association for Quality and Participation)
>article by Harrison that appeared in the Jan.-Feb. edition entitled
>Control?."  I would be happy to fax this to anyone who wants.  Just email
>your fax.

I would appreciate it.  Fax # 603-687-4698

Thanks a bunch!


 Betty Didcoct              TIES Consulting               Building TIES between people to
   phone:   208-682-3550      facilitate better meetings &
   fax:     603-687-4698      healthier organizations

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