G'day folks.

Well,  due to some circumstances, unforeseen on my part, we have had to
make some changes to the programme.

Given that old Australian (?) axiom of in for a penny , in for a pound,  we
have decided to change as much as possible.

The only things that have NOT changed are the general location (Brisbane),
the  number of days and the fact that Birgitt will still be running the

So what we have is

1. New dates  - 1 to 4 august 2000

2. Location - Warilda Conference Centre,  84 Park Road, Woolowin, Brisbane

3.  The workshop is now non-residential:

Initially we had hoped to run the workshop as residential but now believe
that a non-residential is the best option.  For those of you requiring
accommodation, Warilda does have accommodation which I am happy to book for
you. It will be shared accommodation with shared facilities ( see the next
item for bed and breakfast cost). I am also happy to identify off site
accommodation options for anyone who may require it.  If you want to book
accommodation at Warilda could you let me know fairly soon.

To keep a sense of community during the workshop we have also included an
evening meal for the 3 evenings (there will not be evening sessions though)

4. Costs

Non-residential cost - $320.

This will include tuition, handouts, all meals including evening meal

Additional cost at Warilda if you choose to book accommodation

Single room with shared facilities - $25 per night
Shared room with shared facilities - $20 per night

Breakfast  Continental $8 - Cooked $9

I stress that I have not booked accommodation for Warilda and will only be
doing so on an individual needs basis.

5. If you have already contacted me.

I will be writing personally over the next day or so to those people who
have contacted me directly about the changes in the workshop.

6. Advising others of the changes

Could you please let others in your networks know about the changes

7. Registration form and web page.

We will be changing these in the next few days

 I think that is all


denis cowan , brisbane , australia.  fax ** 61 7 32681869 tel ** 61 7 38363056
email:  cowa...@gil.com.au

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