I have been using OS in my company for various meetings (usually 2 to 3
days) and it has been well received.

While talking to our General Manager about the format of our monthly
department head meetings, I suggested using Open Space.

In the past the format has been like this:

An email goes out to the department heads asking if anyone has anything to
talk about.

2 or 3 (out of 20 or so) do, and that becomes the agenda.

We gather, those 2 or 3 inform others of whatever it is that they want to
inform us of.  One or two people get inspired, and in a sentence or two,
and then we pat eachother on the backs for keeping the meeting short (if we
can leave in less than half an hour, everyone is elated!).

My suggestion to the GM is to try 3 months with OS, and if at the end of 3
months people feel it is a good use of time, we continue (although I guess
if people don't think it is worth their time they will either use the law
of two of feet, or the rule of two lips, and let us know).

So my questions are:

1.  In the past, getting from the opening to the first session takes about
an hour (we have two languages to go through, English and Chinese).  That
seems quite long for a regular meeting, particularly one that we should be
shooting for about 2 hours max for the time "when it's over..."  What are
some ways of shortening the opening, without sacrificing too much of the
spirit of the event?

2.  What do you do with announcements that everyone needs to hear?  If it
is just a session, then some may miss out.  My thought is to do that at the
beginning before opening the space ("Are there any matters of importance
that effect us all that need to be announced before we begin?").

3.  Any other insights or experiences from those who may be using OS for
regular meetings of short length would be appreciated.

With respect from Afar,


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