Gee, Florian, and here I was pondering the possibilities of Corrigan The
Incorrigible causing a cascade of creative cogitation culminating in a
competition of cybernetic chit-chat, as a follow-on to the fulsome and
flowery prosody that erupted in this very forum ....  ;-)


On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 12:30:04 +0200, Florian Fischer <florianfischer@ff-> wrote:

>please let us be careful about the huge possiblities of the web.
>accumulation might be interesting, but lets not go to competition
>in quantity. think at the salt within the meal: it has to be not
>it's not the quantity but it's the quality in the messages
>of chris and harrison and all of us
>which makes this open!space-community so full of spirit.
>i know, that you know this as well.
>best regards
>Murli Nagasundaram schrieb:
>> OSLIST now has 292 members.  And I learn from the web archives that 42
>> members have actively participated during this month alone -- quite
>> impressive for a list.  Chris Corrigan was the postingest of them all
>> followed by Harrison Owen and Pat McAulley.
>> The things you can learn from accumulated data.
>> Murli

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