Diane, Murli, Chris and others;

I have not been able to follow all of the conversations on the list as
quickly as others these past weeks. Thanks for the follow up to my query. My
question was not really in regard to technology or no technology, but about
the givens. Murli's response as to how the e-groups function, their
comparison clarified the question "what happens to the information?". That
certainly was not clear to me from the previous discussion (try it, you'll
like it!!) SO thanks Murli. The fact that messages were going to be archived
was not an "up front" given when the OS list was evolving. This is the kind
of thing that I was getting to.

There certainly  were a lot of "givens" when one  signed up for
e-groups....several long paragraphs to scroll through. We didn't get that
signing up for OSLIST (not that I want it, but should there be some
disclaimers?). I think there is value in clarifying our assumptions as we go
along. I will keep asking the questions when they come to me. I thank Diane
for helping to generate a response to this one. I too feel like a
technopeasant.....know enough to get myself into trouble but not always
enough to get myself out of trouble. So, is there anything else we
technopeasants need to know about the gifts and the liabilities of our
e-world OSLIST?

Is Chris' response another given...on must be careful about outing
organizations because you never know who is lurking on the list!! Common
sense given and individual responsibility, but might not seem obvious to a
techno-neophyte inspired by the sharing.

Thanks Murli for your time and attention to this. I am glad  we did not make
the quick switch, but you heard the concerned and dissenting voices
(resistors to change??) and the solution is better than the first.


Michelle Cooper, RN, MScN
The Cooper Group Consultants
200 Crestview  Avenue
Ancaster, Ontario
Canada L9G1E2
Telephone -     (905) 648- 4633
Fax -           (905) 648-1763
E-mail          coop...@interlynx.net
The paradox of control is simple. The more we try to control life, the
less control we have.  Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., Minding The Body, Mending The

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