Dear Reinhard,

What an great story you have shared with us.  It is truly inspiring (in the 
true sense of spirit) when we hear such stories.  To think that 60 people have 
benefited so much from OS from a potentially challenging situation is so 
motivating.  When their family members, friends, and those colleagues who did 
not attend the OS event (but may have subsequently benefited from the 
outcomes), are considered, then the benefits will touch so many people - and 
for many years to come.  

You must feel extremely satisfied that you have connected with spirit and 
helped so many in such a positive way though OS.  Congratulations.

Thank you for sharing the story and the invitation details which I find to the 
point, yet truly inviting.


Mick Walsh
Southbank Management Consultancy Pty Ltd
Melbourne, Australia
T:    +613 9431 4344
F:    +613 9431 1016
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Reinhard Frommann 
  Sent: Wednesday, 2 August 2000 4:27 PM
  Subject: Dismissed employees of the RED CROSS decide to do a Open Space

  The Red Cross main office of Berlin has had financial problems since 1997. 
  (Triggered by years of mismanagement)  
  The financial loss summed up to approximately  50 mill $  The Banks  
  pressured the management to put up a plan to cut down the operational cost. A 
big international consulting company was called in they found out that 80% of 
the operational cost is located to the employees. Management decided to dismiss 
300 employees. The factory committee (Betriebsrat) negotiated a social plan for 
the dismissed employees with the Red Cross management. 

  A group of dismissed employees stepped out with there disappointment of the 
dismissal process. What they wanted was:

  ·       A dignified and respected farewell to there former workplace
  ·       More then the technical feeling of going away
  ·       Room for bad feeling and talk with dismissed colleges 
  ·       Room for new personal goals  
  ·       Broad information "What to do"
  ·       A ritual to leave a work place  after being there from up to 25 years

  The group of dismissed employees asked me if  I would help them with the 
facilitating of an Open Space. They posted a invitation:


  For you as a dismissed employee to attend a Open Space

  What does it mean?

  Open Space is a method to give large groups a space 
  to talk about change. Are theme is


  You have the room and space to contribute your theme

  What is it?

  A possibility to talk to other dismissed colleges:

  About you situation
  Take a critical look at your past working for the Red Cross
  Give space for your feeling 
  Figure out action points together in a group 
  Think about you future 

  Who had the idea?

  A group of dismissed employees who wanted a space
  for exchange

  When will it take place?

  13. July from 10:00-16:00 
  14 July from 9:00-15:00
  House C 3,  3 Floor

  Who can come?

  All dismissed employees if they want to

  Food and beverages?

  We will supply soft drinks. Please bring along food 

  The Open Space took place as planed. There were approximately 60 participants 
from all ranks, working together in 10 different groups. After the Open Space 
people were very positive about the process they experienced. 15 Participants 
decided to open up there own business.

  Reinhard  Frommann

  Gesellschaft für Organisationsentwicklung 
  Berlin/Brandenburg e. V.
  The German O. D. Network

  Reinhard Frommann
  Nestorstraße 1  
  110711 Berlin

  Telefon:        0049   30 327 08 650       
  Fax:            0049   30 327 08 651   
  Handy:          0049 172 322 45 83
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