hello everyone,

just checked in again at the worldwide open space website.  was pretty
amazed at some of what is growing up there.  here is the link to the
greetings/guestbook part of the site.  only two pages of postings there,
so it's not tons to read, but wow! what a great snapshot of what's
beginning to happen around the world in open space.  i say beginning,
because many of the posting are from folks just beginning to play in
openspace.  also, they ask some good questions that i can't begin to
answer, so have a crack at it if you'd like.  there is a little envelope
icon for each posting that you can use to email directly to anyone who's
posted.  perhaps someone from your neighborhood is there?  anyway, here
is the link to the first of the two pages...



Michael Herman
...inviting the extraordinary to work

Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610
312-280-7838 voice/fax

The Global Chicago Network

Michael Herman Associates

Worldwide Open Space Website

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