Dear friends and colleagues in Open Space,
I have just returned to Canada from Australia and have a great wish to share
with you and for our archives what I think is a very important story of
holding space. This is a note about Open Space Technology in Australia and
about the role that Brian Bainbridge has played in the holding of space to
make this all possible.

Brian has been facilitating Open Space Technology meetings for about a
decade and has become a friend to many of us. From that time, Brian has
worked hard within Australia to promote the use of Open Space Technology. In
his style, he planted seeds, mentored people, and behind the scenes, worked
hard. He was instrumental in starting the Open Space Institute in Australia
and continued to hold space for the Open Space Institute to gather momentum
and for Open Space Technology to become more widely used and accepted.

Brian determined that he might have more success if someone came from
overseas to do Open Space Technology training in Australia. I accepted his
invitation and spent time in July and August of 1999 and 2000 in Australia
to lead training sessions, including a session in the Open Space
Organization this year. Brian was joined by others in the behind the scenes
organizing, including Viv McWaters in Melbourne and Denis Cowan in Brisbane.
There was a small group making up the Institute working with Brian. It was a
lot of work for them. We had people from New Zealand and Australia including
Tasmania at the programs. Brian held the space for it all to happen, with
his intention for it to flourish.

This year, driving to the last day of the last session, Brian and I
conversed about the future of Open Space Technology in Australia and the
future of the Open Space Institute in Australia. We were pleased with the
momentum that has emerged. The numbers of people who attended the trainings
and so on. Brian was hoping that there would be a natural evolution of some
of the people to take on leadership roles to move the institute forward.

On that day, in the closing circle, I watched as three people within the
circle made commitments to moving the institute forward with their talents,
time, and wisdom. I watched as they planned to have a gathering to discuss
their development with Open Space Technology that did not have "Harrison or
Birgitt at it to draw people" and that they felt that they now had enough
draw amongst themselves. The group agreed. There was excitement in the room.
And I watched Brian. He was clearly proud of what was happening and greatly
pleased.  He commented on the sharing of leadership that they and others
would have together. There was a letting go on Brian's part and a
celebration on his part as well. It was beautiful.

I write this as a testament to Brian and his holding of the space for Open
Space Technology to gain its momentum in Australia and New Zealand. He held
the space and worked hard behind the scenes while holding the space,
attending to the details to make it all possible, mentoring many people,
tirelessly answering e-mails and phone calls.

Thank you Brian,
And to the groups, my thanks too---"good on you and go well"

Birgitt Williams
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