Birgitt wrote: "Increasingly, groups are doing their reports using
pictures, mindmaps and so
on. A well set up digital camera may work."

Yes, I have started using digital cameras to document the posters I create
in the workshop/trainings that I do.  I then post those pictures on the Web
(there is a free site to place your photos called  They give you
space and have great tools for uploading your pictures to the net for free.
The biggest drawbacks have been 1.  You have to have Java running on your
computer to access the pictures, and usually there is one or two
participants who will write back saying, "there is nothing there!"  2.  The
addresses they give are rediculously long... i.e.

There are other alternatives.  I have seen devices advertised in magazines
(sorry, I don't have the name or web site of the company) that you attach
to any white board, then you use special marking pens, and as you draw on
the board, you are also creating an image file of the same information.  I
have not used this, but have heard from a colleague that it works well.
The cost would prohibit most of us from having one of these devices
available for every break out group, but having one or two in the space may
be helpful enough.

I have also been asked to look into Chinese Charector handwriting programs.
Some of the people I am working with do not type Chinese very well, but
would be willing to use a hand writing recogntion program.  There are some
pretty good ones for Chinese, and that may be the case for English or other
languages too.

These are just some thoughts that come to mind.


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