Susan Lilley wrote:

> Birgitt Williams wrote:
> > We have learned from Harrison (see his books) about the importance of grief 
> > cycle work in organizations and why Open Space Technology works best at the 
> > stages of the grief cycle after shock/anger/denial/memories and letting 
> > go.......        For me, this is why I often prefer to do a story telling 
> > evening to get at the memory work before doing an Open Space Technology 
> > meeting about issues and opportunities of the future ESPECIALLY if the OST 
> > meeting is only one day or one 1/2 days.
> Greetings all,
> Birgitt's posting earlier this month is very relevant to an OST workshop I am 
> preparing for late September.  It is for an organization that has been 
> experiencing a lot of tension lately between the "old guard" who "don't want 
> to let go", and the "new guard",  "full of new ideas".  The Board seems 
> willing to agree to the following timelines:
> Friday evening: story telling session
> Saturday: Open Space
> Sunday morning: convergence.
> I would welcome stories and suggestions from any of you about how to make the 
> best use of the Friday evening story session.
> Thank you to Birgitt for her notes on the grief cycle, and to all of you who 
> share your experience on this list serve -- it is a wealth of information for 
> those of us just starting out. I look forward to the day when I can be a 
> contributor as well as a learner!
> --
> Susan Lilley
> 7 Canterbury Place
> Dartmouth NS B2Y 4J5
> Tel: (902) 463-1837
> Fax: (902) 469-0833

Susan-- It sounds like you have a situation where helping people
understand polarities (particularly their own - tradition or history v.
innovation or new) and how to hold, value and manage them might be
helpful. Two books that a colleague and I have used to design workshops
(ranging from 1 to 8 hours) on this are "Polarity Management" by Barry
Johnson and "Necessary Wisdom" by Charles Johnston. You could combine
telling stories with some processing using Barry Johnson's model.

I would be happy to discuss this with you off line.

BJ Peters

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