Hi all.
I thought I´d share a story with you about an OST I facilitated in a school
the other week. The conference lasted for two full days the week before the
start of the semester. It was full of energy all the way, including the
night in between. We had 5 sessions, 1,5 hours each. The last afternoon we
used for convergence. The theme was: How do we form the future of our
There were 90 participants, all employees at the school. Of course I
suggested to include the students. But the school is in a pretty bad shape.
There have been 5 different temporarily appointed headmasters for the last
1,5 years. The (present) headmaster thought they had enough to heal
themselves before including students. Hopefully that will come next!
33 subjects were raised, most put on the first three sessions (day 1). On
morning announcement I expected more issues but none were raised. I must say
I expected some, but what ever happens.... Since there were only 3 topics
for one of the following sessions it became pretty crowded. Anyhow the
people had learned a lession from the first day when they came to get my
support to split groups - it's your choice, was my reply then.
Two groups splitted up and quite a few bumblebees and butterflies were
sighted. Some (even more) informal groups found space as well. I followed
Harissons advice from The book for the convergence. It worked very well. The
reports were copied: Part 1 in the first evening and part 2 during lunch. We
managed to get it all together until 1 pm. The participant read the reports.
I used dots for the priorization. 6 subjects were priorized and related
issues were identified. Next steps were suggested. I also put up a sheet
were volunteers signed up for the work coming ahead.
I used the talking stick ceremony for closing. I was a bit concearned when
the microphone went strange routs, I am proud that I could hold on to my
chair (not intervene) and of course it found its way to everyone by itself.
Lots of feelings around that they enjoyed the process, had gotten to know
each other (about 10 were new employees), were impressed with the great
creativity and competence present. They also expressed that they felt that
they were heading in the same direction. One of the young guys (youth)said
that it will be great to be able to walk in the personel restroom without
being stared at as if he is an alien. The headmaster rounded up very well
saying that all 33 issues were important and none of them were in conflict
with his view of the future school. So go on, he said. He invited the
convenors of the 6 priorized issues to a meeting the following week.
I met the headmaster last week. They had had a good meeting and are going on
with the issues. He feels that the spirit is high in the school, all of a
sudden, and they have good hopes for the future. Hopefully we will go on in
Open Space including student and parents. If parents are included it will
have to be multilingual since quite a few have parents from other parts of
the world, with poor Swedish. That would be exhilitating to be part of!
I also have to thank you, Harisson for the matrix which I have tried a few
times now. Prior to that I used to put the time/space post-its on myself.
Using the matrix it becomes more selforganizing which feels great. Does
anyone have a simple way to do the matrix. Maybe make a model that can be
used again? It takes me ages every time.
Thomas Herrmann
Open Space Consulting
Ny adress: Syréngatan 6a
434 43 Kungsbacka, Sweden
Phone:  +46 (0)300-197 81
Mobile: +46 (0)709-98 97 81
E-mail: thomas.herrm...@telia.com

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