Chris wrote:

How important is it for action groups to report back to the
circle?  What are the pros and cons of such reporting compared to simply a
Talking Circle closing?

I had a couple of less than thrilling experiences with the report back process I
was using (the group standing in front of the circle, reading out their report,
and then answering questions) and came up with another way that seemed much more

Basically, after finishing their action plans, the champions put them up on the
wall around the circle.  They are then free to either look around at the other
Action Plans, or better yet, bumble bee their way into another group or two.

Before we do the closing circle we ask each of the champions to stand next to
the action plan of their group with a marker pen.  Others mill about and ask
questions, make suggestions, offer support, etc.  This goes on for as long as it
takes, but so far it has always taken a little less than half an hour.  Once
that process is finished the Champions come one by one and place their plan in
the center of the circle, and those that have been or are willing to be a part
of the process to ensure this plans success are invited to stand.

Once all of the plans are in the middle of the circle, we begin the closing

This has worked well when we have a good half day for Acion Planning.


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