Esther:   I have led a number of Open Space events where the results of an
Open Space were then reviewed by formal leadership with regard to moving
forward.  If it is one of the senior team's conditions or parameters for
going forward, it does limit the direct spirit coming out of the space.
However, if they were going to do it anyway, it is better to have it stated
up front so that the expectations of others are clear.

When that has happened, I have worked with the senior team at the follow-up
meeting going over the open space reports, and priorities if they were set,
helping them be very clear what came out of the meeting.  We have looked at
both the data that emerged and the spirit that was present in some detail.
The senior team then made clear decisions as to what was to go forward when,
and what role they would play in any of the initiatives.

This is clearly still the "pro-active" organization in motion, but for some
it is still a big step to discover what skills and talents their folks have.
Planning with them how to keep the momentum and energy going, including more
Open Space is critical.  Assisting them to "translate" their experience in
Open Space is a step toward the interactive organization.


Larry Peterson
Associates in Transformation
41 Appleton Ave., Toronto, ON,
Canada, M6E 3A4
Tel:/Fax: 416-653-4829

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