Hello Don, and Everyone,

I'm an OS apprentice and participated in the training with Birgitt in
Brisbane in August. Your post about the "Space Invader" was most interesting
to me and I know how powerful this can be - and not just confined to Open
Space groups!

Of course, Open Space provides a marvellous framework for the paradox of
control without control. So, running the scene in my head, I wonder how it
would be to actually re-open the Space in effect, by walking to the centre
and then around the circle, explaining in with patient repetition, that the
Space is Open, that it is there to serve everyone's purpose, including the
woman you describe. I can "feel" in my imaging of the scene, a great
restlessness with people's minds saying "Yes!" and "No!" simultaneously. The
movement of walking around the Space would change the energy I imagine, and
re-establish the Open Space norms that free people to attend to their
business. I will be interested too, to hear more about this from experienced

Cheers, Ros.

Momentum Learning - moving with strength of purpose
Speaker training, facilitation, coaching.

Ros Crompton, Australia
Tel: +61 3 9808 4202.  Fax: +61 3 9808-2674
Mob: 0417-229-335

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