Re: [OSLIST] Poetry ChapbookDear Cris,
I can Encode it, but you still have to have Russian Fonts and installing it to 
your printer if you want to print it
best wishes
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rhett Hudson/Chris Weaver 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 5:12 PM
  Subject: Re: Poetry Chapbook

  Dear Elena,

  Yes, I would love to see this poem in Russian and to have it posted in 
POETRY!SPACE on TMN.  I will contact you directly to discuss how to do this.  
Thank you.

  Chris Weaver

  From: "Elena A. Marchuk" <>
  Subject: Re: [OSLIST] Poetry Chapbook
  Date: Tue, Oct 17, 2000, 2:42 AM

    Dear Cris,
    I have also one - in Russian. Would you like to have it? It is a very big 
poem, discribing nearly all the process of the OS I provided for members of the 
Program Open World on the 7-8-th of September, the report of which I hope is on 
the WWW of US Congress Library and OSI - Open Society Institute (Soros 
Foundation), and which I did not present to OSLIST - probably not good.
    Best wishes
    Elena Marchuk, Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Rhett Hudson/Chris Weaver <mailto:rhett&amp;>  
      Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 7:26 PM
      Subject: Poetry Chapbook

      Dear OSLIST,

      The first OS poetry chapbook has been printed!  It's called

      and thus we come alive
      Volume One, October, 2000

      Thanks to:  Corcom for the idea, Toke for the title line, Peggy and 
osi-usa for covering initial printing, and Ward for making the delivery to 

      The chapbook is very simple - white paper, folded over and stapled, 33 
pages, 28 poems, 19 poets.  But the power of this little book is astonishing.  
Our wise teachers tell us that Open Space has both form and essence.  Reading 
this chapbook leaves me believing that poetry is a marvelous medicine indeed 
for enticing the essence to reaveal Itself.

      The chapbook will be available for free in Berlin (those lucky ones).  If 
you're not going to OSonOS, the whole version is now posted in item 6, 
POETRY!SPACE, Vol.1, at The Meta Network (if you've never joined, it's free at  ...where it asks for a sponsor, type in openspace).  You can 
post new poems in Item 10, POETRY!SPACE, Vol.2, OPEN.

      If you would like a paper copy of this little book, send me three dollars 
and I'll mail you one.  Any collection of extra dimes I collect in the process 
I'll send on to osi-usa (I don't think I've paid my dues anyway...)

      Chris Weaver
      Springbranch Facilitation
      P.O. Box 8234
      Asheville, NC 28814

      And get your pens warmed up!  The third OSLIST poetry contest is coming 
in a week.


      Chris Weaver

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