Dear oslist folks,
this is the note I sent to everyone on the OSonOS VIII list. There
maybe some doubling. Just use the delete button and bear with me.
See you in Vancouver in 2991
greetings from Berlin

Dear colleagues,
what a great experience to see, meet, work with, play with, dance
with, talk with, drink with, argue with, celebrate with, remember, be
quiet with, walk with, all at OSonOS in Berlin. See you
again in Vancouver in 2001.
One thing I really enjoyed and that impressed me is the way we worked
on further developing the training design for people wanting to get
into open space.
In fact, all of the OSonOS events I have been to - Toronto, Monterey,
Chicago and especially Berlin - have brought great progress to my
understanding and feeling on how the os-trainings could best be
conducted. So its been a continuous construction site.
What I really liked were the insights from John and Nuran and Brian
and others that insisted that the spread of open space would occur
through developing ways for people getting into it congruent with
their own cultures.
I am pretty sure that the design Jo and I and Felicia are carrying to
Budapest will do the job and will be changed and improved upon pretty
much right that an even better job can be done in Haiti,
Morocco, Spain, Hawaii and wherever else people want to open space in
an ongoing and sustained way.
There is more to be found on the Moscow design at and for those of you able
to comprehend German at
One last thing on the Hungarian training: it is very reasonably
priced. Room and Board and transfer from the airport to the training
site and all training fees for 500 Euros which is less than 500 US
And from the last talk we had with Csaba and Andras in Berlin there
might be Bartok and poetry and wine and.....
Please let everybody know about this training....lets put into
practice what we talked about in Berlin, to assist colleagues all
over the world to get into facilitating os-events.
And why don't you come yourself ?
There is room for 50 participants and if more come we will find a way
to accomodate them.
The rush is on, however.
Check it out at
Love and greetings and hugs from Berlin

PS: Felicia took me to an Italian restaurant last nite - "Aroma" -
and we had a grand time remembering our experiences during the Berlin

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1
12209 Berlin, Germany
FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464

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Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1
12209 Berlin, Germany
FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464

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