
In response to your question about the diversity in Canada and the US...

I haven't got a clue how the demographics look, but one of the reasons I
really wanted to bring next year's OSonOS to Vancouver is to support the
emerging community of First Nations OST practitioners here.  As I have
written before, OST is catching on within our communities here as a real
way of doing business .  Many of these people who are interested in OS
or who are beginning to use it as practitioners have very little
resources to spend on travelling to other places let alone getting good
quality training from people lke Birgitt and Harrison.  So I'm keen to
bring OSonOS here to make available to people the opportunity of meeting
folks from all over the world who are using OST.

The other reason I wanted to host OSonOS is to show people using OST
around the world how we are using it, this indigenous technology, in
indigenous communities.  There will be a First Nations component to the
next OSonOS and opportunities for people to experience the land and
communities around here from a First Nations perspective.

Of course there are all kinds of other things that can happen, but that
is my passion so I've offered to take responsibility for it.

By the way, I think your commitment is amazing, and I wish you luck with
it...hopefully you can be here next year.


Consultation - Facilitation
Open Space Technology

108-1035 Pacific Street
Vancouver BC
V6E 4G7

Phone: 604.683.3080
Fax: 604.683.3036

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