Have greatly enjoyed feeling the Berlin vibe flowing through the list, and read
this yesterday, and thought of "us."

Dropping Ambition

I was a very serious boy, a serious seeker.
{So I went to see a wise man and I said}
"I feel like I have been seeking as long as I can remember,
most of this life, seeking, seeking, seeking."
And I asked him,
"What is in the way of giving up
this search and finding?"
He looked at me and lifted his eyebrows
like it was the most stupid question
he had ever been asked in his whole life...
"What is in the way of finding?
Why, Seeking, of course."
It was like he had taken up the rug
and pulled.
My entire universe collapsed,
because I realized the whole effort,
all the questions,
all the striving to become something else,
all the practice,
all the striving to have a different experience
than that which we already have
- everything was all counterproductive.
It was all ambition.
And it was all overshadowing
the inevitable truth of what is right here.
Even right now,
in this moment,
that which is being sought for
is already absolutely present.

Whether you label yourself
enlightened or unenlightened,
awake or unawake
or whatever,
that which is being sought
is already here.
All that is necessary
is to truly give up the ambition
of trying to achieve something else.
Then it is revealed.
So simple, so simple.
Whether you are in perfect balance
Or absolutely neurotic,
it doesn't matter.

For more pearls of wisdom in a similar vein...


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