Dear All,

We just managed to provide Future Search Conference on topic "Women-Leaders
of Siberia: the strategies for collaboration". We started it in time on the
17-th of November, 15:00 ( 3 p.m.), though I was cut of Novosibirsk ( I live
25 kms from Novosibirsk (1mln and a half population in Akademgorodok -
Scientific center of Siberia ) by the arrival of our President Putin to
Novosibirsk. He was going to visit Akademgorodok and two roads - on the left
and right banks of the river Ob was closed by milicia for safety of the
movements of the President - they did not know which way he will choose....
so from 10 o'clock in the morning up to 10 o'clock in the evening - the
roads were cut. ....

I have all the materials for the Conference - 70 notebooks with
worksheets...and my partner - Marina Tyasto waiting for me...
I had to learn a new road - around, through the forest and all villages
around Novosibirsk, one more bridge through a small river we cross on our
way to Novosibirsk, to go up the hills where no other cars could go up, as
it was slippy because of warming and snow (we have 20sms of snow) started
melting, I was lucky - I had a 4WD small car ... - to go to my FSC.

I DID ALL - though militia men said to me, Women, go home, have a cup of
tea, you will not go to Novosibirsk today..


FSC - it is a half-one-half days event, where we use OS on a third day - for
practical part of the event - projects, which people want to realize now. It
is real openning , two hours work and closing sessions. I never worked in a
group with only women - too many energy, too many emotions, and a great
enthusiasm. What surprised me (though not much), we could not make two
sessions, though we proposed, it looks like that groups were working all two
hours at the same place as they wanted to make the projects in details for
better starting. so there were not much proposed - 7 projects, and they were
all reported, I did not know how, as I saw 4 groups working, but on our
report session - I saw, that some names were on different flipcharts. It was
a lot of noise, but that was a great work and self-organizing, women are
very happy and we - for them and for us.

I asked Harrison Owen this question - if OS used after a two days of
analyses of Past, Current Trends and Visioning the Future - it goes as the
very powerful finishing part of the meeting. Can we garanty that there will
be concrete projects during two days workshop? No. But it is usually what
happenning... trust the process...

I do, but somehow I think that our people need to discuss more things in a
democratic way, so the structure of FSC gives them a lot of activities,
moving toward realization of the projects.

Best wishes to all, who care to read my message, as well to all he are not.

Elena Marchuk, Novosibirsk, Russia

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