Michael, Felicia and Jo,

It sounds like all is proceeding wonderfully well - especially exciting to
get the "mixed reviews", with some folks still clearly a little skeptical.
I can barely wait to hear what the comments around the circle will be
tomorrow, once all have had the opportunity to experience REAL Open Space.
Good luck - I'm holding you all in my heart and feel wonderfully priviledged
to have met you in Berlin.

Laurel Doersam, RN, MA
Employee Wellness Coordinator
Capital Health Region
Victoria BC

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael M Pannwitz [mailto:mmpa...@snafu.de]
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 2:32 PM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: open space-Training Hungary Day 1

Dear colleagues,
we implemented the Day 1 variation on the Moscow design that evolved at
OSonOS VIII in Berlin: Developing the Theme together with the participants
for the open space that will be conducted tomorrow .
It took exactly 2 hours of highly structured work to arrive at a theme that
all 35 participants agreed upon:
How will we create and sustain a healthy community?
This process transformed the participants of the training into the sponsor
for tomorrows open space. One of the participants will open the space in the
role of the sponsor.
Felicia will introduce the open space technology.
Here are some of the feelings participants shared on the process and the

*       I am surprised that so many people can arrive at one topic in such a
short time.

*       I learned we can work together and be productive.

*       So many people in a circle - amazing that it worked.

*       My passion has come alive for the open space tomorrow.

*       I found it revolting, it was not really a group decision...will
there be enough passion?

*       It was a tight schedule, no control but guidance...I can live with
the topic.

*       The process did not stop my curiosity.

*       The result was creative.

*       I was very angry because of the time pressure...how could I create a
topic in 4 minutes? Now I feel very positive about being able to find an
umbrella in 2 hours.

*       The process was highly structured but democratic.

We are very happy with having done it this way. It allowed the participants
to work intensively, get to know each other and to develop a theme that is
truly their own. We expect passion, productivity and high play tomorrow.
One curious thing was that many participants felt that they were in an open
space even though we clearly were not...some of those with experience in
open space realized this, of course. We did not pick up on this since there
will be an open space tomorrow and everyone will experience the difference.
The group is composed of colleagues from Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands,
Slovenia and Croatia...more will be arriving tomorrow so that we will be
about 40. At dinner tonight a separate table was set up for all the regional
and national goodies people brought to create a "global village"
display...memories of the display at OSonOS VIII. People immidiately started
digging in.
We will post this mail on the newswall and, as in Moscow, will post the
responses that will come from you.
Being in contact with all of you is a wonderful support for our venture
We will keep you posted on the progress of the training.
Greetings from the lake Balaton in Hungary,
michael, felicia and jo

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1
12209 Berlin, Germany
FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464

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