Dear colleagues,

today the sponsor opened the space for "How will we create and
sustain a healthy community".
Felicia introduced the open space-technology classically. The 40
participants came up with 22 issues.
14 issues came from male and 8 from female participants, although the
gender distribution is 50/50. Most of the issues offered by women
came shortly before the market place was opened. What conditions are
needed so that all people can participate fully?
If you are curious open the attachment for the list of the 18 issues
that were reported on.
There were three sessions, reading the book of proceedings and a
phase dedicated to "Agreeing on next steps".
Some of the things observed in "real life" open spaces were apparent
here too: no action taken on the hottest issue and frustration in
confronting the reality of taking action. And it became clear again a
Here are some of the things shared in the closing session:
- It was beneficial for the group when I obeyed the law of two feet
and it opened space for me to be very productive in another group
- I participated in an exercise and that was frustrating but it gave
me some insights of what it is like to be a participant
- I'm eager to reflect on what we did today in the open space on open
space tomorrow
- It's important not to judge everything right away but to give
ourselves space and time to let things sink in

Participants tried out being bumblebees and butterflies, tested the
law of two feet, had intensive discussions in small groups, found the
written reports from groups they had not been part of to be fairly
meaningless, were excited or turned off by the action planning, etc.
A pretty good starting point for becoming a facilitator of open
All are looking forward to what will happen next.
Including ourselves. All in all an exciting learning journey.

Greetings from Hungary
Michael, Felicia and Jo

By the way - there are the most gorgeous sunrises over lake Balaton
every morning!

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1
12209 Berlin, Germany
FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464

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