Hello Arthur,

In response to your Nov 29 message (extracts below) :
I will not be in a position right now to follow-up on your request for a
review of the french writing of your article but I am attaching an
updated version of my article that you found at the OSICanada web site
plus two other articles in French that may be of interest to you and

- Updated version of my french article on what OS is about ( it will
also be posted to the Canadian Institute OS site). It does not refer
anymore to Harrison's latest book as being "Expanding our Now".

Openspaceworld: I had previously sent this article to Openspaceworld for
the site and I thought I had seen it there at one time. Like everywhere,
things can get moved around. So this version can also be used by  the
Openspaceworld web site if that is desired. Different versions focus on
different things and it offers choice to our readers, especially that
there are not many documents in French.

My associate Jacqueline Pelletier and myself  had two of H. Owen's
articles translated with his permission. You made reference to one. I am
attaching both here in case that is also of interest for the Osworld
site and others. They can be used as long as all credits lilsted at the
top remain. I have Harrison's original English versions in Word if ever
you want them.

Hope this is useful

Diane Gibeault

You wrote:
From: "Artur F. Silva" <artsi...@mail.eunet.pt>

It happens that one of my partners (Veronique) has French nationality
(double nationality indeed), was born in France and made all her
education in France. She is indeed the main translator of what goes
bellow for revision. (She says that as she is leaving in Portugal for
than 10 years, working and living in "Portuguese", she doesn't know
perfect French anymore. You will judge that...).

I ask other French speakers on the list to send corrections………

When I have understood that there were French texts in the Canadian
web site (but not in the opensiteworld Introductory page)……

Attachment: Article D.Gibeault OS Francais.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: Article Intro to OS H.Owen Francais.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: Article OS to Emerging Order H.Owen - francais.doc
Description: MS-Word document

<<attachment: dgp.vcf>>

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