
In the 70-ties Ruth C. Cohn developed the Theme-centered Interaction (TCI)
as a way for Living Learning. The principles are very near to OS. TCI: how
to keep  Me, We and The Task  in an active balance? Me, We and The Task can
only be understood in their total context.
The way: make space open, create a dynamic environment and concentrate on a
current, living, attractive theme.
There are two major rules: 1) be your own leader, 2) disturbances or
interruptions inside you (no matter whether they started from inside or
outside you) always have priority.
Most of her work is written in German.
In English: "Living-Learning Encounters" in: Göttsegen G. and L.Blank,
"Confrontations" New York MacMillan 1971
There is a WILL - World Institute for Living Learning

With a warm heart
Francis (Little Fox)

> Dear friends and colleagues in Open Space Technology,
> You are also friends and colleagues in the Open Space of this universe and I
> give gratitude for our connections.
> I am currently reviewing source materials about Open Space (not Open Space
> Technology, which is based on this Open Space and the teachings, at least
> that is my experience). I am reviewing Pema Chodrin's book and tape set
> "Start Where You Are". She does a wonderful job in teaching about Open Space
> and that Open Space is always present for us, whenever we want to access it.
> She also speaks of the importance of three things (in all religions we seem
> to find "trinity"): compassion (with gentleness), intelligence (honesty),
> emptyness (detachment).
> I am hoping that some of you on this list have other source documents about
> Open Space as an ages old philosophy/theology and would appreciate receiving
> any information about your own readings, explorations, and experiences of
> Open Space.
> Greetings from my heart,
> Birgitt

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