
i think that 'whatever happens is the only thing that could have' is
necessarily absolutely true.  if there was anything else more likely,
more possible, it would have happened.  this does not mean that it is
most desirable.   does not mean that it should be repeated.  and,
especially does not mean that we understand all of the conditions that
made it the most likely outcome (most likely in that it did in fact beat
out all other happenings that might otherwise have happened in that
moment).  that we don't understand all of those conditions is, i think,
the little bit of mystery that this particular principle points to.
indeed, i thnk that's what the principles are for... pointing to the
mystery, the surprise, the unknown.

now, that said, i think there is an extended version of this principle
that may answer your concerns...  (maybe this extension one one of the
early things not to do? <grin>).  so try this:  whatever happens is the
only thing that could have, GIVEN CURRENT CONDITIONS... which would
include current participants, current skills, knowledge, clarity/accuity
of vision, etc, etc, etc, AND personal passion AND willingness/ability
to take responsibility.

nothing wrong, then with only thing that could have happened THAT time,
and still NOT the thing we want to happen THIS time.... leads to "what
are we going to do differently, what are we going to be differently,
what do we need to learn, what do we need someone to contribute, how can
we use the law of two feet.

it's all sounds very circular all of a sudden... i think the real space
must be somewhere inside of the circle.  <grin>  m


Michael Herman
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610
312-280-7838 voice
312-280-7837 fax

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