I agree with Artur, and am considering altering this principle in my own

Larry writes:

> The  principle opens the group up to tremendous learning
> about where the group is at now -- not some ideal sense of where you think
> it ought to or should be.

I am concerned that the principle invites this important effect at a price,
because in its current wording it speaks of the moment of happening, with
implications about how happening happens, and I don't believe what it says
is true.  Many things could happen.  And as has been suggested, it is this
truth that gives meaning to the practice of responsibility.  Since many
things could happen, an irresponsible word spoken spins out into the open
space, eliciting change; aware of this, we express our passion with
attention and care.

As Artur has said, Many things could happen, but only one does.  The effect
Larry speaks of relates to how we think about what does happen.

I am liking the principle, "Whatever happens is what happens."  A light
reminder to be present, pay attention, and let go of the
"could-have/should-have" constructs that are vestiges of our habits of
control.  I am thinking that, for me, this principle could do what Larry
writes about, but in a cleaner, truer way than the current one.


S   P   R   I   N   G   B   R   A   N   C   H

Opening the Space for Inspired Collaboration
P.O. Box 8234 / Asheville, NC 28814 / USA
Phone: 828 225-0007 / Fax: 828 225-0303
http://www.springbranch.net / ch...@springbranch.net

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