In a message dated 1/11/01 9:18:55 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> You see, I am talking about the Spirit of the orgnaization.
> This is what I mean when I write that "the driving force" is inherent.  The
> driving force is not the leader.  The driving force is the organizational
> Spirit.  And the Spirit is inherent in everyone in the organization, and
> responds to different matters than our positions on the organizational
> chart.


Thank you for that point.  I was just thinking about this as I was reading
your comments, and whallaa, there they were.  There's a famous poster of
Cesar Chavez produced back in the 70's that has the quote from Victor Hugo,
"Nothing can withstand the force of an idea whose time has come."  Instead of
"force," the word "spirit" could have been used.  I think leadership and
vision are effective or relavant only in relationship in how they follow and
represent spirit.  Anyway, thanks for your comments on spirit.

Dave Koehler

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