Dear Laurel and OSLIST,

First, I recommend a wonderful interview with Meg Wheatley and Peter Senge
in this month's issue of Shambhala Sun Magazine.  I'll refer to it below.
There's a short excerpt at

Laurel, thank you for your addition to this wonderful discussion.  The
firewalking story is a great example of how instantaneous and comprehensive
these metanoias can be.

I have a different view than what you express about whether these metanoias
can be facilitated, and also about our ability to share knowledge and skills
toward this end.  It may simply be an issue of terminology.  Let me respond
to your words.

> I don't think that this CAN be facilitated.  I think that the impetus for
> the change must come from within...

I agree that the impetus must come from within, but I believe that these
transformations not only CAN be facilitated, but MUST be facilitated, by
someone.  I use facilitate here in the sense of setting the conditions.  I
suspect that, for your friend, someone opened the space with great care and
intention for his firewalking to be a possible choice.

> By "training" people or "facilitating
> change" we imply that we somehow possess a greater understanding/wisdom than
> they do and therefore they need us to help "fix" them.  I frankly don't want
> that responsibility.

I too don't believe in "training people" for transformation.  But for me the
idea of facilitating transformation means setting the stage, based on our
best available knowledge and preparation, for transformation to be a
powerful possibility.  When I facilitate an OST event, all of my attention
to the details of the form, combined with my personal spiritual practice,
combine into a clear intention to set the stage on which transformation can
occur.  I am not under the delusion that I make transformations happen, and
I truly don't believe that I have a greater understanding/wisdom about the
mystery of metanoias than anyone else who walks into the room (or flips
hamburgers across the street).  But I am clear in my intention to open the
space and thereby to invite Spirit to do its transforming work.

Nino wrote:
>>OST gives the spiritual backing for metanoia. What still has to be done
>>is to bring all the concrete knowledge and skills about.

Laurel wrote:
> But who is to dictate what those skills and knowledge must look like?
> (YIKES!  I wouldn't want to touch that with a 10 foot pole!!!)  And is it
> possible that people already intrinsically possess that knowledge, but
> simply need the venue to express/share/communicate it?

I am trying to understand, Why the YIKES?  If Nino were asking us to share
skills and knowledge about making metanoias happen, I guess I would say
YIKES too.  But I understand him to be asking:  What are the concrete
knowledge and skills that one needs to create the best conditions for
transformation - to provide the "venue" you mention.

Here is why I brought up the Wheatley and Senge interview.  Peter Senge
makes a wonderful distinction between "hierarchies of obedience" and
"hierarchies of wisdom."  He describes a hierarchy of wisdom as what can
develop around a genuine teacher: "There's no obedience required whatsoever;
it's based on choice."

I believe that in our OS community, those who offer trainings bring into
being these hierarchies of wisdom.  People such as Harrison and Birgitt,
based on their experience in the broadest sense, have deeply important
knowledge and skills to share, and have assumed the responsibility of
conducting trainings.  Other teachers are active in their communities and on
this list, and still others will follow.

I know that not everyone shares my view, but I consider the knowledge of how
to work with the forms and essence of Open Space Technology to be important
"practical spiritual knowledge."  In my view, spiritual masters in many
traditions have worked to simplify and teach forms that facilitate Spirit to
be Spirit in people's lives - that is to say, to bring about healing,
blessing, transformation.  Some people use language that implies Spirit
working from "beyond"; others understand it as spiritual potential unfolding
from within.  Either way (or both), forms are just forms; but certain forms
provide particular access to the potential for metanoia.  I believe that OST
is one of them, and that we have remarkable teachers among us.

This is all to express my belief that the questions Nino and Artur are
asking, and which I too am asking, about concrete knowledge and skills for
diverse applications, are the right questions.  They are not small potatoes,
and they carry a major responsibility in the area of awareness.

But then again, so does daily life! (smile)


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