I have noticed a marked difference between groups that meet in the same
room and those that spread out around a facility.  i like to have groups
meet in the same room ( the higher the ceiling the better) as it
facilitates a lot more sustained energy and helps bumblebees to find
their way around.  Also I don't get so lonely if everyone is meeting in
the big room with me!

I have never found noise levels to be a problem, but I have experienced
what Michelle wrote about, having groups pick up and go somewhere else
for whatever reason.  If it works for them, it works for me.

But my preference still remains to keep everyone together in meetings
with up to 100 people.  I did one with 250 once in a gym that worked
fine too.

Your mileage my vary,


"(David Koehler)" wrote:

> In a message dated 2/5/01 3:10:17 AM Central Standard Time,
> ch...@springbranch.net writes:
>> My internal jury's still out on the wording of this principle.  Here
>> is what
>> I found myself saying this morning:  "The next principle is,
>> Whatever
>> happens is the only thing that could have.
> Chris:
> Your report/story is the stuff I long for on the LIST.  In it, I
> relate my
> experiences and feelings to yours.  Open space lets life burst forth
> in so
> many interesting ways.
> Just a comment on the second principle; I found myself using the
> version (at
> the Neighborhood Summit OST last week) suggested on the LIST in the
> last few
> weeks, "Whatever happens, happens."  I actually felt pretty good and
> seemed
> to fit.  It's a little more concise.
> On other comment, actually a question; do you (or anyone) notice a
> difference
> in the energy level of the group when all discussions are in one big
> room?
> That seems to be my experience.  I have never heard anyone
> specifically talk
> about it.
> Again, thanks for your great story.
> Dave Koehler

Consultation - Facilitation
Open Space Technology


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