
Your FAQ is terrific!  Thanks for providing such a great resource for the
list.  Perhaps Murli (the list's host) can set it up so that new subscribers
automatically get a copy?

To Artur's comment:

>I think that in "general introductory statements" that may "commit
> the all community  we shall ONLY use concepts, references and
> quotations that can be directly found in Harrison's books, or have been
> agreed upon by the OS community (that is, BTH, the reason I am using
> community and not mouvement ;-) .

Since I am one of the people Chris quoted, this may sound self serving.  If
so, so be it.   I think it is quite important that more than Harrison's
words are used throughout this FAQ.  A gift from Harrison to all of us has
been the generosity of spirit associated with his  invitation to freely open
space.  Through his gift, we are not be beholden to him as a guru.  There
are many experienced practitioners who continue to contribute to the growth
and evolution of Open Space.  I believe we are well served by hearing these
many voices.


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