Dear colleagues --

I am enjoying the honor and excitement of meeting and
spending time with the fabulous Ms. Elena Marchuk, our
fellow Open Space and Future Search colleague from Siberia.

What a delight she is, and what an amazing and essential job
she is doing at such time in her country's history and

I am finding her some books to take home, as she does not
have access to any original publications on the processes
she uses to facilitate.  She has also been showing me
reports and photographs of her Future Search and Open Space
work in Siberia and elsewhere.  What a privilege it is to
see her work and to learn of her success.

Elena mentioned a dream to me: She dreams about coming to
Birgitt's training in San Francisco at the end of April.
And this is very close to the International Association of
Facilitators (IAF) world conference in Minneapolis, USA in
May.  But of course she felt it was just a dream, as one
airplane ticket to the USA is for her one year's salary.

Well, as Niels, Laurel and Annette will understand (this
happened to us in Denmark last October), once you share a
dream with another person it has the distinct possibility of
becoming a reality.  Whoops! No longer a dream...

The airline ticket that is a year's salary for Elena is $545
US.  These books that for her are impossible to get are on
our shelves and at our bookstores.

Would you care to join me in contributing to Elena's Dream
Fund?  Dreams are so often achievable with help from others.

If you would like to contact me directly to discuss what
books she needs, how to contribute some extra money you may
have to her dream, or anything else along this line, I
invite you to do so at

She will be staying here in California until the end of
February.  Birgitt's class is at the end of April.  The IAF
world conference is in mid-May.  She will be contacting her
support network of Rotarians for housing possibilities.

Added bonus: If you are attending either event you will get
to meet her in person (!!).

I look forward to hearing from you,


Lisa Heft
Berkeley, California, USA

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