>From a Wisdom Channel interview with
Father Thomas Keating - an upfront Catholic priest:

Q. You have spoken of the difference between peace lovers and peace

A. By peace lovers, I mean those people who don't want to rock the boat, who 
are willing to make compromises that are perhaps compromising in order not to 
stress people, or to get into trouble, or to challenge people who will fight 
back. Or, for instance, in a situation where we need to bring something that is 
really harmful to the attention of the head of some organization, one hesitates 
because "I'm afraid I'll lose my job." Or if you demonstrate too much in some 
countries, you get put in jail. So a peace lover is someone who would like 
everybody to be at peace and so is ready to compromise even when the compromise 
is not proper.

A peace maker - (they) are the people willing to make personal
sacrifices to make peace. And to "make peace" is to say what needs to be said, 
prudently and discreetly, not necessarily by confrontation, but by
using peaceful means; but by taking action that may cause them to suffer
certain consequences that could be serious.

So in the Christian religion, the peacemaker is the highest beatitude
and leads to the greatest of happiness according to Jesus Christ*
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be the real children of God." So 
that suggests that God is interested in peace, and peace not at any cost, but 
peace that has to be a constant effort at diminishing the tensions that are 
inevitable in the diversity of the human condition.

In other words, it's an extraordinary work or dedication or service in
which you never quite win, but you keep trying, and this may not appear in your 
generation, but the seeds of peace*just think of some of the people in our time 
who have contributed to peace in their particular nation. Or who've*take Martin 
Luther King or Ghandi for instance*these extraordinary people, they didn't 
really "win" anything in their life. But they raised the human consciousness to 
some degree so that peace which resonates very deeply with everyone's inner 
most being was given an enormous reinforcement by the heroism of these people, 
who kept making peace, even in the face of enormous opposition and risk to 

So you don't always succeed at being a peacemaker but this is no reason not to 
do it.

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