At 10:55 AM 2/22/01 +0100, Uwe wrote:
Dear Peggy,

your observation points to the core of our challenge. I like to comment in
particular to the following part of it:

"As long as people believe that change requires active involvement from
the top,
this is true.

It is self-fulfilling because those not at the top have either consciously
or unconsciously given away their power to have an impact.  And those at the
top either consciously or unconsciously accept that power as theirs to wield
as they see fit."

In my view your are also pointing to an even deeper level, which is rooted in
our desire to be safe and taken care of. I'm becoming more aware lately that
those who follow not only "suffer" but in a strange way also gain. What is
gained might be perceived as security or being taken care of. We might
that "growing up", i.e. taking care of ourselves with integrity and full
responsibility is a process that requires much energy and courage. By playing
the role of "following" we relinguish this responsibility to someone else.
like having surrogate parents. During my coaching education at New
Ventures West
I came across an excerpt from A.H.Almaas, Diamond Heart, chapter One - Growing
Up. For those interested, it makes the point very clear. So for me the
expands into: How much do we really want to grow up? And, what would this
mean for our societies?

My emerging view is that the leader/follower conversation in terms of
polarization leads into a dead end. We need both, leaders and followers
interacting more like in a dance. In my view it is the diversity of a
group and
the absolute adherence to the principle that no one is "better or worse",
"higher or lower" just because of the capabilities he or she brings to the
group. This I believe is the second great obstacle for all - we want to be
as someone special but we do not want that "specialness" to seperate us.

There is no question (to my mind) that the dance of life  in organizations
absolutely requires Leadership and Followership. Things get stuck and space
closes, however, when the mantle of leadership is allowed to rest on only
one set of shoulders -- the CEO, MD,  President -- whatever. For me, one of
the profound learnings of Open Space is that Leadership only appears at the
junction of passion and responsibility, and in the absence of either or
both, leadership dissipates, the dance slows and eventually stops. In a
word -- It's all over, baby.


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