Greetings again,

I am reading The Power of Spirit, and the postings to OSLIST, with great
interest.  A copy of the User's Guide is on the way.

At this point there is a group of four of us who are preparing for the Open
Space on Green Building in Ithaca.

After discussing Chris' advice, we decided to go ahead with a 1/2 day OS, but
to narrow the theme to something that can be covered during the time

We also agreed that my wife, Laurie Konwinski, who has also participated in 3
or 4 Open Space conferences, will facilitate, because I definitely want to
participate in the discussions.

The modified theme I am proposing is:

Building for Sustainable Living in Tompkins County: What Is and What Should Be

In 1/2 day, I think that we should be able to create some lists of what has
been done, and who is involved, and what people are planning and dreaming of.
 That could open up possibilities for another longer Open Space in the
future, which could produce more concrete action plans.

I will post more information as our plans develop.  Right now, we are
wondering about two things:

1) How many time slots to designate.  2 slots?  3 slots?  2 slots, plus a
brief convergence, plus discussions over the potluck supper?

2) How should we proceed if only 10 people show up?  We are on short notice,
and people are busy.  Should we postpone the meeting if a minimum number do
not commit to coming?

I look forward to hearing from you!

Todd Saddler

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