Thank you to Peggy and Anne for that wonderful gift!
The personal openness in sharing your collective consciousness is a
great treasure to me as I join with an eclectic group of colleagues all
committed to opening space!
I would appreciate some feedback from the listserve (and Anne :-) ).  We
a recovering lawyer/facilitator/project manager,
an educational psychologist/adult learning disabilities specialist,
a post-modern myth-maker / author,
a storyteller and multimedia pioneer,
a gestalt therapist/story worker/college prof,
an addictions specialist/gestalt therapist/paramedic/trainer, and
an immersive event specialist/graphic and video recorder/inclusive
culture advocate.
So far as I can tell, we have three common interests; we want to open
the space of our lives and world, we believe in the power of story, and
we all want to be a part of designing and running transformative
programs.  We have yet to meet as an entire collective.  How do you
suggest we proceed?
Thanks again,
glory ressler

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