Dear Friends,

As I mentioned in my introductory email, I am about to embark on the
adventure of facilitating my first OS.

The invitation as it stands now is included below for your feedback. Your
suggestions, questions and comments are welcomed and would serve me well in
my learning.

Some Background on how this opportunity came to pass.

We have an annual event here in Indianapolis called the "Spirit and Place
Festival" where there are many workshops, lectures, concerts, and films
scattered throughout the city in a variety of venues.  I attended a "Spirit
In The Workplace" which is described briefly in the invitation. The event
was well attended, I estimate 55 people. Many who attended were in fields
related to Consulting, Human Resource, Organizational Development, a variety
of artists and self employed individuals. There was a very strong feeling
that folks wanted the dialog to continue.

I introduced myself to the sponsor, Elaine, after the program and expressed
interest in the topic and in participating in future events. Through
subsequent conversations Elaine became interested in Open Space was
receptive to an Open Space event as a follow-up for the group for the
purpose of deciding where and how it wanted to evolve. This group will
probably not create a formal organization. Of course it is up to the group
to decide.

I suggested that a representative group be convened as a planning committee
to insure that we captured the spirit of the group. Elaine, acting as
sponsor chose to proceed informally through discussions amongst herself,
David, one of the previous presenters and myself. After some conversation
with Elaine she agreed to open this event to include the larger community
and to encourage those who participated to extend an invitation to friends
and associates.

I would like some feedback on the invitation in general.  The invitation
will be distributed to the original 50 attendees and the "larger Community"
to include the local OD network, the local Fast Company cell and the
"general public" included in the friends and associates of the known

What concerns would there be of having a mix of previous attendees and new
participants and is the theme stated appropriately to engage both, that is
broad enough so new participants do not feel left out yet focused enough to
have a sense of continuity.

The sponsor is concerned about the following issues as her desired outcomes:
Where do we want to go from here?
What will be the leadership model?
What resources do we possess that we can leverage for our mutual benefit and

I suggested the following ways these issues could be addressed.
One is to state these expected outcomes in her opening talk .
Another would be to let the group address these in the OS process.
And thirdly I suggested that if they were not addressed by the group she
could present these "organizational issues" as her own topic.
What are your thoughts on this? How else could these concerns be addressed?
If they were givens how would you present them and would you include mention
of them in the invitation?

The space where the event will be held is great for Open Space. It is a
Unitarian church. The main sanctuary is a 50 foot diameter Hexagonal
building with an open floor plan and movable chairs. There is also an
adjacent good size community room, kitchen and restrooms. There is plenty of
wall space for the marketplace, news, and a resource table.

The sponsor would like to keep things simple and suggested that the reports
be handwritten though we may not have adequate time  or facilities for
copying and distribution of reports for everyone when they leave. My thought
is to have the reporters word process their reports at home or work after
the close and email the reports to a central site for electronic
distribution. It would be great if one of the participants offered to create
an E-groups list for future conversation. Should this be the responsibility
the sponsor to provide the E Forum for follow-up?

My thoughts are to have 3 sessions of an hour and fifteen minutes each with
one hour for open and marketplace, forty five minutes for lunch and an hour
for close. What type of close would you think is appropriate for this type
of meeting and would you adjust this schedule?

My understanding is that a desired outcome would be for participants to be
able to contact each other and initiate follow-up meetings either planned
events as a large group or spontaneously in smaller groups. I imagine that
whatever happens it will be an extension of the Open Space itself. I have
thought to present it as such in the closing, a continuing of Open Space
into an ever expanding circle bounded by spirit.

I also had an idea to develop a "Convergence Form" which would be handed out
before closing or maybe at lunch time, which would serve as a checklist for
participants to walk through a personal convergence with a format that would
ask them to list the 3 top discussions they wanted to follow-up on in a
prioritized fashion with a place for notes, contact information and any
agreements / commitments they had made during the day. This would be a
quickie do it yourself convergence with personal action steps for
participants to capture the momentum of the day. Participants could then opt
to share this information in the E-group if it did form.

Any thoughts on the cost and RSVP? The Space and effort to coordinate the
event, including my time is a volunteer effort so the costs will be minimal.
Surplus funds will be donated to a good cause. The RSVP is to just help in
the logistics. The sponsor felt more comfortable having a handle on
attendance numbers.

Thanks for your patience in reviewing this detailed request for feedback.
The topic is perfect for me. It has deep meaning for me and there is nothing
better I would like to do than Open Space on this topic. This is a great
opportunity to bring Open Space to Indianapolis and to share this work with
friends and associates. All of you on the list have contributed to my
learning and this is the next step. I feel my spirit soar as I do the
planning and contemplate Opening Space. It is for me - Spirit at work.


During the November 7 & 8, 2000 "Spirit In The Workplace" events, many
talented and dedicated individuals came together to share a spirit filled
moment in time. The presenters were Ian Rose, a Vancouver based consultant
who has conducted extensive research on the creation of habitable workplaces
friendly to the human spirit and "Picture This" a local interactive theater
group led by David Llewellan. The events were sponsored by Elaine Voci, a
member of the local business community, who was inspired to share her belief
in spirit-filled workplaces with others.

Both events were successful in creating meaningful dialogue, a palpable
feeling of spirit and a desire to continue to meet with like-minded
individuals on topics of personal and collective meaning. Therefore, In
keeping with these outcomes, you are invited to participate  in a process
designed to foster spirit, leadership, learning, community, and practical
application of our diverse knowledge and experiences.

Join us for

"What are the future issues and opportunities for working collaboratively on
spirit in the workplace?"

An OPEN SPACE TECHNOLOGY event facilitated by Albert Schinazi of Integrative

DATE : Saturday, March 31st

LOCATION: Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis,  Indianapolis, IN

TIME : Registration 9:30am Event 10:00 am - 4:30 pm

COST : $10

DRESS : Casual

FOOD & REFRESHMENTS - in the spirit of sharing and economy, please...
Bring Refreshments to share with others.
Bring a brown bag Lunch for yourself.


TO REGISTER - Send RSVP EMAIL confirmation with complete contact information
Payment in Cash or Check on the day of the event.

Please feel free to invite friends and associates. Seating capacity is
For more information, email above or call Elaine Voci at 317-123-4567

RESOURCES : A resource table will be available for registered participants
to share their business cards and services, brochures, work opportunities,
and information on coming events and workshops.

"Work is love made visible" Kahil Gibran



Quote for today...

"The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers, and cities.
But to know someone who thinks and feels with us, and who, though distant is
close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us, an inhabited garden."


         Creating a successful world through communication, cooperation,
collaboration, and creative spirit.

Conflict Resolution Services
Mediation, Arbitration, Public Forums

Group Process Facilitation & Organizational Development
Open Space Technology, Community Building Circles, Dialogue, Creative
Problem Solving Processes

Albert Schinazi
Indianapolis, IN 46240

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