Hi folks:

Attached (in RTF format) is the official invitation and registration
form for OSonOS IX (Vancouver August 18-21, 2001).

You may register by filling out the form and sending it to Laurel
Doersam along with your payment.  We are accepting payments by Cheque,
Money Order or VISA.  Space is (somewhat) limited, so get your forms and
payment in as soon as possible!  Regisration fees are on a sliding scale
from $70 - $200 Canadian.

Please note that if you want to stay on campus at the University of
British Columbia, you have to use the accomodations booking form found
at http:/www.openspaceworld.org/osonos.html

Shortly, this invitiation and the registration form will appear at the
above link, so if you have trouble opening this attachment, try pointing
your Web Browsers to http://www.openspaceworld.org/osonos.html

At this point, the plan is to have an Open Space recption on the evening
of August 18 at a place nearby the campus.  The actual conference will
start on August 19, concluding at noon on August 21.  A more detailed
conference program will be posted shortly on the openspace world site.

We are really excited and look forward to welcoming the world to
Vancouver for two and a half days of conversation.  Please share this
email and the attachment with any Open Space Technology practitioners
you may know of who are not on this list.

See you in August!

Chris Corrigan

Consultation - Facilitation
Open Space Technology


108-1035 Pacific Street
Vancouver BC
V6E 4G7

Phone: 604.683.3080
Fax: 604.683.3036

Attachment: Invitation.rtf
Description: RTF file

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