I confess I am another lurker on the list - quite a greedy one as I have kept 
so many rich anecdotes, wise responses and things of great meaning from you 
all. Thank you. It feels like having a bunch of encouraging, thirst quenching 
collaborators out there - (or wherver you really are if there's nobody 'out 

The words below have just happened at my desk at the end of a demanding and 
good day - beginnings of spring, sun and that sense of impending 
not-yet-ready-to-burst-but-going-to-soon-profusion. (Office in hayloft on an 
organic farm in Scotland, the good dog Spot lying by and the cows now 
sleeping..) And so they told me to be brave and visit the List.

    A list, only a list?
    Of Angels opening space
    in a community of appreciation
    that exists in our minds?
    That's Good!

David Adams

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