Dear Laura,

I have worn shoes like yours before, and I so appreciate your sharing with
the list throughout your high-wire journey.  I send my admiration and
congratulations.  If my experience can be trasferred to yours, you may
expect the angels of Open Space to deliver to you your PhD soon -- in fact,
exactly when you need it.

Con Amor,

>From: Laura Gamboa Herrera <>
>Subject: [OSLIST] Results
>Date: Mon, Apr 16, 2001, 9:28 AM

> My dear friends from the open space world, so I have to tell you that my
> training with "be prepare to be surprise" was intense. I guess that after this
> little conference that I had, I got my PHD on this matter (just a joke!)
> And now I would love to share some of my stories:
> 1-  It was supposed and organized to be a three days conference and the last
> week I had to change it to a one day event.
> 2-  I was expecting the minimum 10 participants and only 5 showed up
> 3-  I planned that all the introduction will be around 1 hour or 1 and a
> half....and suddenly I gave all the explanation in 15 I was
> realizing that the participants were so dissaponted that they were not that
> much.
> 4-  During this introduction I told them to close their eyes and started to
> think about why they attend to the conference, and I can tell you that this
> helped me a lot to calm down the negative feelings (that actually I was able
> feel them, eventhough they were not talking).
> 5- So when they started to post their topics on the wall.........I felt such a
> relief, cause at least there was one topic at each as
> were two topics on the first one, I told them to subscribe.......and suddenly
> the group decided not to divided, so they said that it was very related and
> they work the whole session on it.....which, of course it just surprised
> me........but this is about what open space is all about, right?
> 6-  Little by little the group started to be a group and not only
> individuals.....of course they were a little bit lost about the thing that
> were in charge of everything..........but thanks God, all the logistics
> (materials, coffee, food, computers, etc. were just perfect) it was
> to them.
> 7-  In the afternoon, they just decided that the topic in the morning was very
> instead of another topic, they continued working on the
> same one.........I can tell you at this point, I was wondering what should I
> do....interrupt them or not. Anyway I thought that as it is their space, its
> to them.  I guess that at this point you already know what happened on the
> third session.........THE SAME.  And one of the participants were telling me,
> hope that at the end we will have tangible results.(but in a very nice way,
> actually she was one of the most proactive participants)
> 8- After the three sessions, I realized that they have just done a list of the
> problems in Costa Rica about the Sustainable Development (the topic was:
> Sustainable Development: Union of Efforts).  So at the closing part, I
> them to analize them and think about next steps and tasks to take in order to
> change this.....and I leave them alone for a while. When I came back, I
> realized that they had just make a list of ideal scenarios, and ideal
> situations....but not realistic ones. At this point, I got in......and I
> thought it was not bad, as I was not only a facilitator, but also the
> responsible to follow the next steps (cause this event was the first step to
> open an office in Costa Rica). So I explained them that it all depended on us.
> That we should write down specific tasks that when we cross the door of the
> room, everybody will now what to do after the meeting.........I CAN TELL YOU
> 9- To be short (eventhough I was already long...ha,ha,ha) the closing part was
> the best one..........the energy was up to the skies, and everybody was just
> one.............I loved it.
> Hope this story help you or at least make you laugh ;O)
> Greetings,
> Laura
> Laura Gamboa Herrera
> Phone:  (506) 226-3184
> Fax: 001-603-761-7394
> P.O. Box 57-1011
> San José, Costa Rica
> *
> *
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