hi there

I am genuinely thrilled to be able to announce two brand new opportunities
to engage with, understand the potential of, and develop your own practice
in Open SpaceTechnology  (OST).  Please read on if:

1) you've wanted to learn more about OST and haven't yet found an
appropriate or affordable learning opportunity.... or
2) if you already have experience of OST and are wanting to work with its
power as a tool for on-going organisational learning and development /
3) you know someone who might fit the bill of 1) or 2)

OPPORTUNITY 1: "Creating Space for Effective Change" - 19/20 + 23/24 July
2001 at Tower Hamlets College, London.
Learn the principles and practicalities of OST with Birgitt Williams and
Romy Shovelton.  A four-day programme held in the heart of London's
Docklands for the great price of #750+VAT (early bird by June 8th) -
#850+VAT after June 8th: the price includes all materials and meals.

Since 1996 Harrison Owen and I have run OST workshops at Roffey Park
Institute - last year joined also by Birgitt Williams.  These events have
been hugely popular and received great reviews.  Roffey is an absolutely
wonderful setting and...... not always affordable by everyone who would
like to attend.  Personally it is therefore a special treat to be able to
partner with the great people at Tower Hamlets College in London, to
provide a workshop that may be accessible to more people.

In this programme, we will delve deeply into what it takes to really make
the most of an Open Space Technology programme or event - from conception,
to conversations with organisation or community sponsors and leaders,
through practical set up, to facilitation and follow-through. We will also
examine the long-term impact and how to leverage the value of Open Space -
including how to begin to move to a genuine Open Space Organisation and to
use OST as an on-going tool in communities.

Of course there will be a chance to personally experience the power and
impact of Open Space.  And everyone will have an opportunity to consider
their own leadership and facilitation style, plus how they might most
effectively apply Open Space thinking to their particular context.

The tone of the program will reflect Open Space - high learning and high

Please call Kate Cox on (+44) (0) 207 510 7620 for a brochure, or drop me a
quick reply to this note if you have any questions.  With thanks to my
colleague Martin Leith, a PDF file of the brochure (along with all kinds of
other useful information) can be found at

OPPORTUNITY 2: Advanced Professional Development in Open Space Technology,
11th-14th September 2001, Roffey Park Institute, Sussex.
A four-day programme for people who have completed basic training in OST or
have experience of using OS in their work.  The programme will be lead by
Birgitt Williams, who is returning by popular demand since her first
appearance here last year.... and assisted by Paul Roberts, Roffey Park and
Romy Shovelton.

This is the first such workshop in the UK and a great opportunity to deepen
and broaden your understanding of and practice in OST.  We will address in
depth how to create an Open Space Organisation (sometimes called an
interactive learning organisation) - one which naturally maximises the
potential of all, releasing creativity, innovation and commitment to
achieve the aims of the organisation or community.  Learn how to coach and
prepare leaders to work with appropriate freedom and structure and to
foster leadership throughout the organisation. Understand how to work more
effectively with the inevitable complexity, chaos, ambiguity and
uncertainly of organisational dynamics and an unpredictable environment.

Save #100 on the non-residential early bird offer -  #1125+VAT by June
15th: after that it's #1275+VAT.  Residential places are #1345+VAT and
#1495+VAT after June 15th.  For a brochure, or to book, please call Roffey
Park on +44 (0) 1293 854047 or email booki...@roffeypark.com.   Do, of
course, email me if you have any questions.

It really would be wonderful to have you with us at either or both of these
programmes - whether you are new to OST or an 'old hand': we shall enjoy
meeting old friends and new people who have more recently been tempted by
the magic of Open Space.

Please do let me know if there's anyone else who you think might be
interested: perhaps just forward this email to them, with a copy to me?

With warm Open Space wishes

see you soon?

Romy (Shovelton)

PS  for some friends who I am mailing, I know that you are unlikely to be
able to join us..... and....... I thought you might like to know what's
PPS for other friends...... I've just returned from dog sledding with 9
Inuit hunters in the Arctic of NW Greenland - another wonderful experience
of open space and Open Space (ie. whoever comes....  ; whenever it
starts...... ; when it's over....; and whatever happens........).  Much to
share of the Principles in practice both personally and in every culture.
PPPS if you're not interested in this at, please forgive the addition of
one more email to your in box.

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