Dear Friends:

The on-line Santa Cruz Guide has posted Part III ("Living and Breathing
Training and Fundraising") in my series of articles on the California
AIDS Ride experience.  The first two articles ("What Is the AIDS Ride"
and "Why Would Someone Do the AIDS Ride?") appeared in SCG in March and
April, respectively, and will remain available on the SCG's website.
New articles appear on the third Monday of every month through
completion of the Alaska AIDS Vaccine Ride in August with a final
article in September.

     Use this URL to access the Santa Cruz Guide and all the articles:

If you would like to support my participation in the California AIDS
Ride which begins this coming Sunday (June 3), you will find an Adobe
pledge form (.pdf format) available on-line  with the articles.  Just
print it out, fill it in, and send it to the address  indicated along
with your check or credit card information.  (Pledge forms  for the
Alaska AIDS Vaccine Ride will be available on the SCG website shortly.)


Ric Giardina

  *          *          *
What If Work Actually Got Easier?
      Spirit Employed
     16190 Harwood Road
    Los Gatos, CA  95032
408.264.9723 or 800.538.2001

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