I have been asked to do an open space with Bengali Youth (it will be all
male) - probably in the early fall, but in the mean time I have to think
about how to go about it.  I am sure that Open Space is the process that will
work best for the group, they are feeling alienated and not listened to.

As I think this one through does anyone have advice on:

1.  How to make young men who may not write in English  feel comfortable
about posting in the market place

2.  Any suggestions on any cultural no nos - I am concerned about perceptions
of yet another 'outside' coming in to tell them what to do (which of course
is precisely why Open Space)

3.  I do not speak any Bengali - it is likely that most of the young men will
be Muslim - and I want to begin the circle in such a way that it will be
respectful of their religious beliefs.

Fortunately I kept Romi's postings on the OS in N Ireland for youth

Many thanks for any advice that you may have!

Lin Grist
Chrysalis Consulting
London UK

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