I can't remember the name that this subject has been coming up on the list
as, so I know I am changing it and calling it Springbranch camp as the way I
think of it when I think of Chris Weaver in his journey of Spirit. And his
Springbranch. The Springbranch name has a good story with it. I hope Chris
chooses to share it with the list if he has not done so already.

My access to e-mail has been limited, and I've inadvertently deleted pages
of e-mails using this in a web-based way, hence this lapse in memory of what
the items have been called and so on. Sorry. And I don't even know if what
I'm going to say here has already been addressed, but I want to say it too.

Chris, I have watched your story unfold since the beginning of this camp.
Your excitement, eagerness, courage, disappointments, and the following what
has heart and meaning again, with courage. I thank you for sharing the story
as it unfolded. It is an incredible accounting, not of salvaging a
camp--although that is interesting too. For me, the incredible story lies in
your story of staying with the flow of Spirit, staying true to what has
heart and meaning, and trusting Spirit. The last time that you, Ward and I
were chatting together about this, you were sitting there not only
understanding your call to leadership, but we watched your face and heart as
you took on the mantle of leadership, knowing that you are here to lead. And
we watched you lead with skillful means, taking risks with courage. And your
co-working with Spirit was clear in every step, even those times when you
became temporarily discouraged. It has been wonderful to watch you unfold
into the greater fullness of who you are, and to step into yourself in a new

I also was absolutely thrilled for you that the university pulled its
funding support in those early days, although I didn't say this to you at
the time. This act removed the shackles of too much bureaucracy from you and
the camp, allowing Spirit to work. The next step was for you to recognize it
as a gift and not as a barrier. And you did, and moved with it. You now have
a much better foundation to really work from, with all that you are, than
you would have otherwise.

I wish you much success and joy with your leadership,

Love and blessings,

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