Hi Peggy and All,

I'm back from my "interesting" journey for visa to Moscow, when I had no 
official papers, but retell a story on how many people from OSLIST helped and 
are helping me to go to OSonOS in Vancouver and the answer was - Wough! usually 
I refuse, but now I will wait for your official papers... and will get you a 
visa at once, when you will bring this papers...(Counsil Marina- thank you!)

so thank you Lisa and Chris - it was not me who wants the official papers, 
(Chris called me and asked why do I need official invitation if everything is 
agreed and done?) that was the Canadian Ambassy, which works with papers, not 
with people, but still ... I got the "Wouw" (or how it is written?) from a 
lady, hearing that somebody (thank you Kelvie!) send me a ticket, somebody 
(thank you Lisa, Chris and Laurel!) are taking care of my visit there...so 
insted of the only possible alternative - NO VISA, sorry - I got one and I am 
ready for new adventures in the jouney with OS (and OSon OS).

Thank you to all once again!

I'm still with our training with Birgitt Williams as while sitting in Moscow I 
made several copies of it for Birgitt and Raffi, so looked it several times 
very attantively - it is so good and deep and challenging to start our own 

and I'm very proud of our participants, as they finished the last day report 
(did not see yet, but heard from Lisa) and they realize the idea of Russian OS 
list, as some people would be very interested to have an exchange of our 
Russian experience in OS, and to participate in discussions

so the list of first participants is ready and the web-side will be ready (or 
at least starting) soon.

We invite everybody to participate in it, as least Raffi is volontered to 
translate some things from OSLIST(INTERNATIONAL ONE)

Best wishes to you all


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Peggy Holman 
  To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu 
  Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 11:23 PM
  Subject: Re: Novosibirsk OS training

  Thank you for your wonderful, powerful work in bringing OS to your home.  And 
Birgitt -- thanks for being there to work with Elena.
  Thank you both for bringing the stories to the rest of us.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Elena A. Marchuk 
    To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu 
    Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 2:05 PM
    Subject: Re: Novosibirsk OS training

    Hi Peggy, 

    Yesterday, when I was preparing the Book of proceedings and as we had one 
English (UK) participant - Sue Halliday-Stein, one US-Canadian facilitator - 
Birgitt Williams and one participant, who is more then fluent in Russian, but 
still asked me for English handouts -Raffi Aftandelyan, I knew I need to have 
the Book of proceedings in two languages, though late.
    If I could think of this earlier, on the time of training, probably I could 
ask somebody to help me with the translation of the reports and as we were not 
prepared with the computers at hand, and there were only 6 reports.... but at 
the middle of the night when I was finishing this, it would be of great help. 
How do you think?
    Though Birgitt did not ask me, and told at the before-closing session, that 
we would work with the reports "on the wall", I still wanted to try to have 
this "feeling" of the Book of proceedings, even not so big.
    So I did translated 4 reports from Russian to English and two from English 
to Russian (that was easier) or something like that as one report Raffi had 
helped me by doing this with his own one report, so we did have the Book.
    So now, when I started to think that this is wonderful! I could send you 
and OS list the ready English language reports.... if I could find them on the 
computers - we were working on two with two files, so I can not recognize where 
is the last version.... 
    well that is not so bad, as I still find some version and very close to the 
final, but while doing this search I feel myself not easy... you understand me, 
do you?
    well, still, here is the Book of Proceedings! See attachment!
    I wish you all the best,
    and I will try to go to Moscow with Birtgitt to help her to make a quick 
change of airports as she has only 2.5 hours between her flights and I hope the 
Moscow flight will not be late as they used to do the last two times I was 
taking US people to the Novosibirsk airport and I hope EVERYTHING WILL BE OK 
and that also I will get visa for Vancouver. Please, God! As I don't know how 
much time they will need to do this, somebody said 3 weeks, so I need to 
invastigate it earlier, then I will come the last day to Moscow for starting my 
    I'm so gratfull to you and all people who helped me with my learnings and 
experiences and to the OS Institute for the possibility to have Birgitt in our 
place, Novosibirsk, Siberia for providing real OS training for trainers with so 
many deep levels of learning how to do "20 minutes of the work of the OS 
facilitator" with her 140 pages of the manual and starting new community of OS 
facilitators in Russia! and we need to do a lot, as when Birgitt recomend us to 
start with some books to read.... well, we don't have them, we can not order 
them through credit cards - as nobody have them, I'm not saying that they are 
expencive, but we could start with library (community books), but still there 
is one more limit to already too big limits - the language. We need to have 
Russian books, to translate the books which Birgitt proposed to read to 
Russian. So we have a lot of things to do. And that is good! We have a lot of 
new learning ahead...
    Thank you SO MUCH for all the OS community!
    In an hour, 4-45 we shall start our travel (back for Birgitt) to her new 
trainings in Amsterdam - I can't imagine, how she is doing so great, but with 
all hopes for the best for us all
    Best wishes to you and all
    Elena Machuk, sincerelly yours

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Peggy Holman 
      To: Ric Giardina ; Leon DeKing ; Jay Vogt ; Clarice Sieden ; David 
      Cc: Elena A. Marchuk 
      Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 10:15 PM
      Subject: Novosibirsk OS training

      The the OSI board,
      Here is an early description of the Novosibirsk training from Elena.  
(Elena, thanks for the update.  I hope you are okay with my passing this on.)
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Elena A. Marchuk 
      To: Tom Devane 
      Cc: Peggy Holman 
      Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 4:17 PM
      Subject: Re: E-mail address change

      yes, we will be on our 3rd from 4 of OS training and I'm very happy that 
my expectations are met. Birgitt is very methodical in giving her materialls, 
you probably saw the ones I show to Peggy, and she has the same for basic 
training, so people receive good OS practice and "theory" about what is to be a 
facilitator and how to make decisions. 
      we are only 16, that is the very nice group for learning and training 
though we were ready for 40. But as the method is totally knew and some people 
asked me if I can give them a program of training - what I did but that did not 
gave them  a clue... but there are some people from Moscow and S.-Petersburg, 
so it shows that we made very wide advertizements but as we did not pay for 
transportation, - people are used to many grants with such kinds of things... - 
the most interested came. and they are the right people!
      We are doing great though I'm wondering how Birgitt can held all this, 
coming overnight at 4am, she started her training 1pm and worked until 9 pm and 
then the next day from 9 to 4:30 and actually questions were until 5 and 
something, ... and she is very brave though tired as she doesn't sleep well 
with this time change...and I'm so sorry she has just this window and now a 
spare day to relax before and between she will fly the 7-th to Amsterdam to 
start new training there on the 8-th !!!
      good luck for you,
      and best wishes

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