In the training that Diane and I do, we generate the theme with the group in
the first half-day of training.  We use the same process we would use with a
client to generate a theme, looking at the context, givens and commitments.
We have used my slide set as a guide to the process.  One of us sponsors the
OS the next morning based on what emerges.  The other one Opens.  One
criteria is that "Open Space Technology" is not in the theme.  It has to be
something that folks are passionate about in their lives (work or other) and
appreciative and future oriented.  The theme is always an intuitive leap for
the group after some dialogue about the context.  Someone will make the leap
and connect to consciousness of the group, particularly in a training.

At the last training event in February the theme was about "Unleashing
Personal Energy and Power in Our Lives.  It was an exciting Open Space for
the participants.

A version of the theme was suggested by one of the participants to her staff
team which is in a difficult situation.  I just Opened the Space for a them
with their modification and contextualizing of the theme by their
leadership.  It worked extremely well.  I have come to believe that the
theme is important in giving energy and focus to an event and that the
sponsors and participants know best what they have a passion to explore.

With a client, I have had senior sponsors who did not want to involve others
find the theme that turned on their organization.  I have had others pick
one and discover the dead moose, that many of the staff really didn't have
much passion for that focus.


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