Keep going, Lisa,

Best wishes and good luck


----- Original Message -----
From: Lisa Heft <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: Reflections on a challenging OST event

> Thank you so much to Ralph, Brian, Chris C, Elena, Joelle, Elwin,
> Harrison, Glory, Florian and Artur --
> Amazing, as always.
> I put the word out and you give back not only your thoughts but also
> some of my own thoughts, as well.
> Somebody tell me why we have periodic amnesia about letting go?  About
> not messing up with the process?
> Somehow I thought that these people needed to be replenished and
> reinspired by telling the stories of their successes.  What -- because I
> didn't believe that the Open Space would give them all the inspiration
> and replenishment in the world?
> Well, I totally believe it, so I must have taken leave of my senses (or
> let that old nasty 'logic' get in the way of that brilliant 'intuition',
> eh?)
> As we all know, the process is very forgiving.  So the process forgave
> even my meddling.
> And you also remind me that the room rarely squishes 'the space' once
> it's opened.  The people just press it outwards to their own comfort, as
> your account of the school children, Michael, reminds me.
> Once again, I delight in receiving feedback, analysis, support, wisdom,
> stories and nourishment from you, my Open Space world community.
> Once again, I delight in relearning (for my life practice and for my
> professional practice) about letting go's, about holding space and faith
> and spirit and belief.
> From all outward appearances I work mostly alone -- but in Open Space I
> am never alone -- always among those I hold space with and all of you
> wonderful beings.  I am so very lucky.
> Lisa
> - - -
> L i s a    H e f t
> Consultant, facilitator, educator
> Experiential learning and Open Space Technology
> 2325 Oregon
> Berkeley, California
> 94705-1106 USA
> (+01) 510 548-8449
> *
> *
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