At 17:17 18-06-2001 -0700, Lisa Heft wrote:

Somebody tell me why we have periodic amnesia about letting go?  About
not messing up with the process?

Very interesting question, Lisa.

According to Argyris and Schon(*), through the socialization process, we
all have
had "introjected" in our heads a  Model of "theories of action" that they call
Model 1.

Some of the "governing variables" of Model 1 are:

- maximize winning and minimize losing

- unilaterally protect self and others.

Every time a facilitator forgets to let go, or acts in a way that disempower
the group (facilitating "too much", as in many methodologies) he is
"unilaterally protecting others". And, in fact, he is also "showing off",
so "winning" AGAINST the group. The point is that the others have not
asked for and don't need that "over protection".

When we say "trust the process" (OST), what we really are saying is
"trust the self organization of the group", after it has been "liberated"
from "normal" Model 1 rules, that have been replaced, for the time
of the event, by Open Space "rules". And then "holding the space"
means, imo, maintaining the group free of space intruders.
There can be many such intruders, but the two we really
must care about are (1) the sponsor; and (2) the facilitator himself!!!!
(and of course other "facilitators" that would claim that "we must assure
that ALL people speak" (including the ones that don't want to...)"
or "try some facilitation rules of other methods", etc)

Interesting isn't it?

Now, and this is a contribution to Chapter XIII ("What Next?") of "the
Book" (OST Guide ;-), I think that Argyris and Schon's Seminars to
change from Model 1 to Model 2 are parcially innefective and take
too much time. I think that OST, as it "changes the rules", has a
capacity to help the group to (during the duraction of the the meeting)
parcially put ALL rules off, including model 1.

If this is true, repeating regularly OST with the same group, will facilitate
not only the creation of an OSO, or an Inteactive learning Org, but
also a community that is more "model 2 oriented" than before,
and where "metanoia" (a "profound shift of mind" an is St Paul')
is a commun feature. I think this can be "action researched" and would
like to hear other opinions and experiences on this.

Indeed, I have tryed to transmit to all of you my personnal way of feeling
that metanoic process during and after OSonOS, Berlim, and would like to
have others attentive to that and willing to report from the next OSonOS
experience...I will not be with you in Vancouver, but should I be there
my "issues" would be the relation betwen OST and Model 1/2 and with
metanoia ;-)

So please consider this as my "contribution" to OSonOS and i hope
that a virtual forum will be opened this year as it was in Berlin - the ones
that will not attend this year will be different, of course...



(*) Lisa, I recommend you get their book "Theory in Practice" and check the
model. Anyhow, as i will refer to it in a future post to the LOlist you can
already a picture of it in the following URL (and replacing the last 1 by 2
can see the alternative Model 2):

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