
Attached is a version of the Annual Spirited Work Invitation that goes out
at the beginning
of each four-season cycle.  The schedule dates are for the next cycle (Cycle
4:  2002).

I apologize for the length of the description:
     The Online Community that supports Spirited Work is not publicly
     So you can't find or see the website.

May this be of benefit to you . . .

Mark R. Jones
Chief Information Officer:       SEA-IS
Executive Vice President:        SEA
P.O. Box 1457;
  Lynnwood, WA 98046
Direct Line:                         425-413-6000
Mobile Line:                        206-696-7000
Message Line:                     504-304-2460
e-Mail:                                mark.r.jo...@seabase.com


We Invite You To Participate in

A Creative, Innovative Learning Community
Meeting Seasonally at the Whidbey Institute

Spirited Work brings together professional people from the Northwest and
other parts of the continent who feel called to participate in a conscious
learning community with a committed group of people who offer each other
support, challenge, and inspiration in our work on behalf of a hopeful and
sustainable future. Our fourth cycle begins in January 2002,

Spirited Work invites your participation.  It is designed especially for:

* People who see themselves as both learners and leaders

* People who are cognizant of the environmental, social, and spiritual
challenges facing our generation and that of our children

* People who want to share their experience and learn together about
innovative organizational and leadership dynamics

* People who are making a courageous commitment to a hopeful and
life-sustaining future

* People who want to join with others in imagining and implementing
innovative strategies that can help
   change the cultural course

The Spirited Work community uses the "open space" model as a primary way of
organizing our learning process and the seasonal archetypes of cultural
anthropologist Angeles Arrien.  Each gathering includes "market place"
seminars, art, music, ritual, experiences in the natural world, time for
personal renewal, and wonderful celebrative meals.  Between our face to face
gatherings, we are linked in an online learning community served by Big Mind

Primary conveners:  Anne Stadler, Fritz Hull, Peter Donaldson, Vivienne Hull

       Dates: January 24 -­ 27 2002
                    April 11 -­ 14
                    August 1 - ­ 4
                    November 14 -­ 14

For Further Information please write, call, or email Vivienne Hull
at the Whidbey Institute, P. O. Box 57, Clinton, WA 98236
Telephone: 360-341-1884
Email: fvh...@whidbey.com


Spirited Work!  2002

Dear Friend and Colleague,

We invite you to join the third cycle of Spirited Work!  We are an
innovative, creative, and enthusiastic learning community of professional
people from the Northwest and other parts of the continent who meet together
for a weekend retreat each season, with online conversations and projects in
between.  Our new cycle begins in January.  Since we came together four
years ago, Spirited Work has evolved into a very exciting community of
practice offering support, challenge, and inspiration as we all work on
behalf of a hopeful and generative future.

We see ourselves as learners and as leaders. The learner within us is
curious, open to the unknown, self-disciplined.  The leader within us feels
called, divinely so, fiercely at times, to take what we know and put it to
service in the world.  And we have extended our community to include
colleagues and gatherings in India !

Four people, Anne Stadler, Peter Donaldson, Fritz Hull, and Vivienne Hull
are the primary conveners of Spirited Work.  We are joined by members of the
Spirited Work community who have been involved in this unique program since
its beginning.

We want you to consider this as an opportunity to nourish the continuing
spiritual transformation of yourself, your life's work, the people and
organizations you touch, and your commitment to the shared future of our
earth.  We consider these times urgent in nature yet fertile with
opportunity, demanding from us new forms of conscious spirit and dedicated

We seek people like you to join with others from many disciplines,
traditions, persuasions and experiences, who are ready to deepen our own
call to Spirited Work.   We look forward to this creative adventure!

For further information, please call or email us at the Whidbey Institute,
360-341-1884; whidi...@whidbey.com.

Anne Stadler              Peter Donaldson                Fritz Hull
Vivienne Hull



A community of learners and leaders gathering four times a year to deepen
our commitment to personal transformation through to the world.

How can we build personal and collective capacity to support healthy and
productive relationships, organizations, and communities for "Earth, Spirit,
the Human Future?"

People with awareness of themselves as both learners and leaders.

People who feel called to participate in a conscious learning community with
a committed group of people over a committed period of time.

People who are firmly cognizant of the environmental, social and spiritual
challenges facing our generation and that of our children.

People in touch with the spirituality of their being who possess the courage
and openness to explore the universality of human wisdom as it appears and
reappears in diverse faith traditions.

People who seek a new "economic imagination" in organizing for productivity
and sustainability.

Gatherings are held at the Whidbey Institute, a beautiful retreat and
conference center nestled in the intimacy of a hundred acres of forest three
miles from the ferry dock on Whidbey Island, one hour travel time from
Seattle.  We meet seasonally beginning our fourth cycle in the winter of

Our gatherings are conducted in Open Space, a method of self-organizing
based on the simplest structural principles inviting the highest level of
personal integrity and responsibility.

Our content focus for each season of learning is based, in part, on the work
of anthropologist and educator Angeles Arrien.  See attached excerpt from
her book The Four Fold Way.

We ask participants to commit to being part of a community of practice which
gathers seasonally and whose members are linked in an on-line learning
environment.  We ask participants to familiarize themselves with the work of
Angeles Arrien, author of The Four Fold Way, and Harrison Owen, creator of
Open Space Technology.  Reading through the information in this packet is a
good start but for those who like to read from the source we recommend The
Four Fold Way by Angeles Arrien (Harper San Francisco, 1993), and Expanding
our Now: The Story of Open Space Technology, by Harrison Owen (Berrett
Kohler, 1997).  We encourage participants to suggest (and to bring) your own
favorite resources to contribute towards a community bibliography.


Winter, January 24, 25, 26, 27
The Way of the Warrior "Show up. Choose to be present."

Spring, April 11, 12, 13, 14
The Way of the Healer "Pay attention to what has heart and meaning."

Summer, August 01, 02, 03, 04
The Way of the Visionary "Tell the truth without blame or judgment."

Fall, November 14, 15, 16, 17
The Way of the Teacher "Be open to outcome."

Each gathering begins with supper on Thursday at 6:30 pm and ends in a
closing circle Sunday at 3 pm.

Each gathering begins with dinner on Thursday at 6:30 pm and ends by 4pm on
Sunday afternoon.

We are committed to sharing all costs related to facilities, food,
materials, supplies, mailings, and administrative overhead.  We have not yet
completed our estimated cost per participant for all four retreats,
including accommodation and all meals. We want to make it possible for
people to join us from varying income levels.  Costs are adjusted for
participants who do not need accommodation at the Center.  The Cost Model
information will be available in October.

We are also building a scholarship fund and welcome your contribution.  If
you need scholarship support, please let us know.

To register fill out the enclosed form and send a $100 deposit to SPIRITED
WORK, Whidbey Institute, PO Box 57, Clinton, WA 98236.  We appreciate full
payment by our first gathering.  We are also happy to work out a financial
arrangement that works best for you.



I want to be part of a gift-giving learning community, in harmony with the
earth¹s cycles and rhythms.  I want to experience how that affects my/our
capacity to engage fully in spirited work and in life. The gifts I bring: my
life experience includes being a child, wife, mother, grandmother, friend,
lover.  I have worked as a community organizer, TV producer, learning
organization consultant and sometimes teacher.  I bring enthusiasm for
learning and following the creative spirit.  At this stage of my life, I am
particularly interested in co-creating learning communities in which
individuals are fully engaged and fully responsible for themselves and the
evolution of the collective.

I am interested in learning more about service leadership, and I want to be
the company of others who are similarly dedicated.  My focus is creativity
spirituality, education and the arts.  I work in schools a lot and here¹s
why: I believe that arts‹drama, dance, music, writing and the visual
arts‹make the teaching/learning experience intrinsic to the spirit,
meaningful to the mind and of practical value to the long term
sustainability (creative response) of our culture, our country and the
planet.  My life¹s work is to bring forth beauty.  To tell and retell the
stories that make us powerfully human.  I see my work through the
imaginative possibilities inside this one question:  "What if there were no
distinction between art, religion, and life?"  This fascinates me.  And I
don¹t wonder any more about how the story is going to come out.  I¹m in it.

Raised in my early summers on Whidbey Island, I grew up loving this place
with its islands, magical waterways, old farms and forests.  Kayaking became
a passion.  Since 1966 I have been working to make Chinook a unique,
resource-rich learning center.  I have had a hand in shaping the exciting
new facilities for the Whidbey Institute.  I am committed to discovering
ways we can craft a new relationship to the natural world, strengthen the
human community, explore our spiritual depths and work together for a
hope-filled and sustainable future.  I want to work with others to encourage
creative leadership as we seek to serve our world.

Though Whidbey Island has been my home since 1972, my soul¹s landscape is
the mythic and spiritual geography of Ireland where I was born and spent my
childhood.  Because of this, I am intrigued by each of our stories and our
poetic imagination, as we seek to understand ourselves and our place in the
greater story of life.  Though the human adventure is poised at a critical
threshold and the challenges we face in the next decades are staggering, I
am unapologetically hopeful.  I believe that together we can bring forth the
necessary wisdom to engage our time in history with imagination and
creativity.  I think the help we need will be found as we go deeply into the
"open space" of our inner lives, draw on the power of Spirit, and go out
into the wild and elemental spaces of the natural world.  A sense of humor
and a bit of blarney will also help!


A Leadership Learning Community

Name ________________________________________________________________

Address______________________________________________        ____________

City________________  State __________ ___  Zip____________

Phone: Day _______________________Evening  ___________________________

E-mail _________________________________________

Deposit of $100 enclosed to hold my registration ________

I will pay quarterly.  Amount: _____________

Full payment enclosed.  Amount  _________

I would like to donate additionally to the SPIRITED WORK scholarship fund.
Amount ____________  Thank You!

Scholarship request (attach personal letter)

TOTAL ENCLOSED_________________________

Payment: Check_______

Credit Card ________________________

Signature___________________________________    Date _______________

Thank you for joining us!

The Whidbey Institute
PO Box 57, Clinton, WA  98236
Office Phone: 360-341-1884 or toll free from Seattle:  206-467-0384.
Email:  whidi...@whidbey.com
Website:  www.whidbeyinstitute.org


-----Original Message-----
From: Winston Kinch [mailto:ki...@sympatico.ca]
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2001 5:27 AM
To: mark_r_jo...@worldnet.att.net; mark.r.jo...@seabase.com
Subject: Re: Response to Inquiry Regarding Collective Buddha

Hi Mark:

Would you please point me more specifically to the "Centers for Spirited
Work" to which you refer? I would like to find out more about both the OST
aspect and especially the ways in which children have been involved, as I
may myself be becoming involved with an organization which is headed in the
same direction.

Winston Kinch (a Tich Nhat Hahn fan)
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Mark R. Jones
  To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 10:45 PM
  Subject: (RESPONSE): Inquiry Regarding Collective Buddha "Story of a
recent 2.5 day OST"


  Tich Nhat Hahn is the Buddhist teacher that made the proclamation
  regarding the "Collective" as the next manifestation of the Buddha.

  I believe that Open Space as a life practice creates the minimal structure
  required to begin to grok "Community / Collective"  -- in terms of
  intention, communication, and behavior.

  I believe that communities like the (Centers for) Spirited Work
  that practice ongoing (3 years now) community, organization,
  and business model using Open Space as the core practice  -- are the
  training grounds for the manifestation of the Buddha as the Collective.

  I note that the active inclusion of children into the Spirited Work
  community in the USA has had a positive and profound transformative
  effect on the community and the practice of Open Space as a Life Practice
  (in contrast to using Open Space as just a "facilitation" tool.

  Mark R. Jones
  Chief Information Officer:       SEA-IS
  Executive Vice President:        SEA
  P.O. Box 1457;
    Lynnwood, WA 98046
  Direct Line:                         425-413-6000
  Mobile Line:                        206-696-7000
  Message Line:                     504-304-2460
  e-Mail:                                mark.r.jo...@seabase.com

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