WOW! This thread gets richer all the time.
What you say makes total sense to me, Michael.
In the advanced facilitation training that I did here in Ontario (and before
I met OS) I experienced that who you are, and how./ how fully you are
present for yourself and others has more impact that any tools and
techniques. And to be present to your own truths/ percepts implies a certain
objectivity within yourself - i.e. you can see them first without instantly
reacting. There is an internal witness or observation point. This is akin to
opening space within oneself. You get less in your own way, and are able to
""see" others more clearly/ be present for them.

This has a a lot to do with ongoing personal work, and for me, contemplative
Which takes up back to "Truth is Spirit"............ "which shall set you

While I'm not an expert in conflict/ mediation, my experience with
conflicted groups is that there are multiple, diverging truths present. The
really big ones are paradoxical; two opposites are both true. A thing is
both black and white! Often they struggle to be articulated; easy to do with
anger and hurt, tougher to do with clarity and compassion. And if there is a
strong enough container - love, presence, holding the space, then a whole
new level of truth emerges, one that is bigger than, "transcends and
includes" the smaller truths.

............these are my morning ramblings........... take care all!

Meg Salter

MegaSpace Consulting

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael M Pannwitz" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 8:15 PM
Subject: Truth

> Dear colleagues,
> this spirited exchange on truth reminded me of the "percept" concept
> of John and Joyce Weir. Marv Weisbord and Sandra Janoff showed a
> short section from the tape "A day with the Weirs" at their
> facilitation workshop. This intrigued me so much that I got all four
> tapes and looked at them this summer. At this point I think this has
> given me some more insight into the art of facilitation for open
> space-technology meetings and future searches and for other group
> situations in which groups unfold in a selforganizing manner (which
> is what they will do when left to their devices).
> One of the key "manner" of facilitation is, as has been pointed out,
> to follow the path of show up, be present, tell the truth and let go.
> Well, how on earth do I get myself as a "professional" facilitator to
> be in that "manner" consistently. Even though it appears to be right
> and "logical" to follow that path it still another thing to actually
> learn the art of doing it that way. And I think it has to do with
> being clear that I in fact have my truth as my perception, or as the
> Weirs might say, truth myself.
> The implication of that is, that when I realize that others have
> "percepts" -   so whatever they say or opinion has in fact very
> little to do with me - I will be close to me, actually be present by
> being true to me and in that way be not in my own way or in the
> groups wayThis is also scary because I am pretty lonely in this
> "manner" and who likes to frighten oneself?
> And all this whilst "facilitating"!
> I am sure there must be a more coherent way of saying all this....
> Greetings from Berlin
> michael
> Michael M Pannwitz
> Draisweg 1
> 12209 Berlin, Germany
> FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464
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