It is amazing to come back from a brief holiday to find an explosion of emails 
about Truth! What truly wonderful people inhabit this list... We have a 
dialogue group here in Scotland and one of our recent topics was Conflict. It 
was fascinating to discover as our dialogue developed that our understanding 
and embrace of Conflict changed radically in the group. 

What initially we approached as an issue associated with stress, disturbance 
and avoidance, became something deeper and it emerged, grew and finally 
developed in our appreciation as a valuable and necessary stage in the 
unfolding of insight and perception and sharing of truth. So we could see that 
without conflict we would lose a vital window on reality. But only if we went 
beyond the 'stuck place' of sides in conflict, and could enlarge our vision to 
consider the totality of what the conflict was about.

This resonated strongly for me with what Krishnamurti used to emphasise, that 
one must see what is, directly and clearly, without judgement, thought or 
interpretation. As one sees and feels with clarity and vital, passionate 
awareness, the distinction between observer and what is observed - the 
conscious but artificial human duality - is clearly an illusion.  Truth is the 
reflection - experience - of oneself in the particluar state of attention and 
observation that is happening. And here one learns. There is something very 
liberating about this and it seems to resonate beautifully with all that has 
been said and experienced about letting go in facilitating open space.

Lastly, I cannot resist this line from the letter to Hebrews 13 that was read 
in church today, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some 
have entertained angels unawares."

With great appreciation.


David Adams
Adams Associates
Meadowhead, by Cleish, Kinross, UK, KY13 0LP
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